ISBN-13: 9789811695148 / Angielski / Twarda / 2022 / 344 str.
ISBN-13: 9789811695148 / Angielski / Twarda / 2022 / 344 str.
Introduction.- Control Methods for Pneumatic Servo Systems.- Platform Introduction.- Linear Feedback Control.- Nonlinear Feedback Control.- Sliding Mode Control.- Platform Introduction.- Back-stepping Control.
Dr. Ling Zhao received the B.S. degree in Automation from Southwest University, Chongqing, China, in 2007 and the Ph.D. degree in Control Science and Engineering in Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2012. Between 2012 and 2018, she was a teacher in the College of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, China, where she was promoted to an Associate Professor in 2016. She is currently an Associate Professor in School of Precision Instruments and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, China. Her research interests include robust control, pneumatic servo control, active disturbance rejection control, and networked control systems.
Dr. Jinhui Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in Control Science and Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2011. He was a research associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, from February 2010 to May 2010, a senior research associate in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, from December 2010 to March 2011, and a visiting fellow with the School of Computing, Engineering & Mathematics, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia, from February 2013 to May 2013. He was an associate professor in the Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, from March 2011 to March 2016, a professor in the School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, from April 2016 to September 2016. He joined Beijing Institute of Technology in October 2016, where he is currently a professor. His research interests include networked control systems, composite disturbance rejection control and biomedical engineering.
This book focuses on pneumatic servo systems analysis, control and application in robotic systems. The pneumatic servo systems are composed by pneumatic artificial muscles or cylinders, which are two important pneumatic actuators in industrial application. The active disturbance rejection control technique is used effectively to solve strong nonlinearity and uncertain factors for the pneumatic servo systems. Nonlinear feedback control, back-stepping control, finite-time control, sliding mode control and several other control laws are proposed to make the pneumatic servo systems have better control performances. The book establishes a fundamental framework for this topic, while emphasizing the importance of integrated analysis. The book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in this field and engineers working on the applications of pneumatic servo systems.
Advances in Industrial Control reports and encourages the transfer of technology in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.
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