Section 1: Basics 1. Introduction: Small RNA Biogenesis and Food crops 2. Small RNA identification and characterization: Techniques & Approaches 3. Small RNA identification from various food crops
Section 2: Recent advancements in small RNA mediated regulation of food crops 4. Small RNA mediated regulation of food crop germination 5. Small RNA regulates vegetative growth of food crops 6. Small RNA mediated regulation of food crops productivity 7. Importance of small RNA in secondary metabolism of food crops 8. Food crops grain development and reproductive stress tolerance: Role of Small RNA 9. Salt Stress and Small RNA 10. Small RNA and temperature stress tolerance 11. Drought tolerance in food crops: Role of small RNA 12. Regulation of biotic stress mediated pathogenesis in food crops by Small RNA 13. Beneficial food crop-microbial interaction: Role of small RNA
Section 3: Applications and Future scope 14. Food Crops Improvement: Comparative Biotechnological Approaches 15. Abiotic stress tolerant food crops through small RNA technology 16. Biotic stress tolerant food crops through small RNA technology 17. Scope and Future prospective of small RNA technology in food crop improvement and sustainability