ISBN-13: 9780367506438 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 444 str.
ISBN-13: 9780367506438 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 444 str.
The volume focusses on intermediate concepts of the PIC16F1847-Based PLC project, and covers arithmetical, shift and rotate, selection, demultiplexer (DMUX), decoder, priority encoder and conversion macros, illustrated using flowcharts.
Chapter 1 - Arithmetical Macros 1.1 Macro “R1addR2” 1.2 Macro “R1addR2_16” 1.3 Macro “RaddK” 1.4 Macro “RaddK_16” 1.5 Macro “R1subR2” 1.6 Macro “R1subR2_16” 1.7 Macro “RsubK” 1.1 Macro “RsubK_16” 1.9 Macro “R1mulR2” 1.10 Macro “DivU16by8” 1.11 Macro “incR” 1.12 Macro “incR_16” 1.13 Macro “decR” 1.14 Macro “decR_16” 1.15 Macro “Hbit_CNT” (High Bit Counter) 1.16 Macro “Lbit_CNT” (Low Bit Counter) 1.17 Examples for Arithmetical Macros Chapter 2 - Logical Macros 2.1 Macro “R1andR2” 2.2 Macro “RandK” 2.3 Macro “R1nandR2” 2.4 Macro “RnandK” 2.5 Macro “R1orR2” 2.6 Macro “RorK” 2.7 Macro “R1norR2” 2.8 Macro “RnorK” 2.9 Macro “R1xorR2” 2.10 Macro “RxorK” 2.11 Macro “R1xnorR2” 2.12 Macro “RxnorK” 2.13 Macro “invR” 2.14 An Example for Logical Macros Chapter 3 - Shift and Rotate Macros 3.1 Macro “Ashift_R” (Arithmetic Shift Right Rin) 3.2 Macro “Ashift_R_16” (Arithmetic Shift Right Rin) 3.3 Macro “Lshift_R” (Logical Shift Right Rin) 3.4 Macro “Lshift_R_16” (Logical Shift Right Rin) 3.5 Macro “Lshift_L” (Logical Shift Left Rin) 3.6 Macro “Lshift_L_16” (Logical Shift Left Rin) 3.7 Macro “shift_R” (Shift Right Rin) 3.8 Macro “shift_R_16” (Shift Right Rin) 3.9 Macro “shift_L” (Shift Left Rin) 3.10 Macro “shift_L_16” (Shift Left Rin) 3.11 Macro “rotate_R” (Rotate Right Rin) 3.12 Macro “rotate_R_16” (Rotate Right Rin) 3.13 Macro “rotate_L” (Rotate Left Rin) 3.14 Macro “rotate_L_16” (Rotate Left Rin) 3.15 Macro “Swap” (Swap Rin) 3.16 Examples for Shift and Rotate Macros Chapter 4 - Selection Macros 4.1 Macro “move_R” (Move) 4.2 Macro “load_R” (Load) 4.3 Macro “select” (Selection of One of Two 8-Bit Input Variables) 4.4 Macro “select_16” (Selection of One of Two 16-Bit Input Variables) 4.5 Macro “max_5” (Maximum in Five 8-Bit Variables) 4.6 Macro “max_10” (Maximum in Ten 8-Bit Variables) 4.7 Macro “max_ N80” (Maximum in N 8-Bit Variables, N = 2, 3, …, 80) 4.8 Macro “max_ N40_16” (Maximum in N 16-Bit Variables, N = 2, 3, …, 40) 4.9 Macro “max_ N255” (Maximum in N 8-Bit Variables, N = 2, 3, …, 255) 4.10 Macro “max_ N255_16” (Maximum in N 16-Bit Variables, N = 2, 3, …, 255) 4.11 Macro “min_5” (Minimum in Five 8-Bit Variables) 4.12 Macro “min_10” (Minimum in Ten 8-Bit Variables) 4.13 Macro “min_ N80” (Minimum in N 8-Bit Variables, N = 2, 3, …, 80) 4.14 Macro “min_ N40_16” (Minimum in N 16-Bit Variables, N = 2, 3, …, 40) 4.15 Macro “min_ N255” (Minimum in N 8-Bit Variables, N = 2, 3, …, 255) 4.16 Macro “min_ N255_16” (Minimum in N 16-Bit Variables, N = 2, 3, …, 255) 4.17 Macro “limiter” 4.18 Macro “limiter_16” 4.19 Multiplexer Macros 4.20 Macro “mux_2_1” (21 MUX) 4.21 Macro “mux_2_1_E” (21 MUX with Enable Input) 4.22 Macro “mux_4_1” (41 MUX) 4.23 Macro “mux_4_1_E” (41 MUX with Enable Input) 4.24 Macro “mux_8_1” (81 MUX) 4.25 Macro “mux_8_1_E” (81 MUX with Enable Input) 4.26 Macro “mux_16_1” (161 MUX) 4.27 Macro “mux_16_1_E” (161 MUX with Enable Input) 4.28 Macro “B_mux_2_1_E” (21 Byte Multiplexer with Enable Input) 4.29 Macro “B_mux_4_1_E” (41 Byte Multiplexer with Enable Input) 4.30 Macro “B_mux_8_1_E” (81 Byte Multiplexer with Enable Input) 4.31 Examples for Selection Macros Chapter 5 - Demultiplexer Macros 5.1 Macro “Dmux_1_2” (12 DMUX) 5.2 Macro “Dmux_1_2_E” (12 DMUX with Enable Input) 5.3 Macro “Dmux_1_4” (14 DMUX) 5.4 Macro “Dmux_1_4_E” (14 DMUX with Enable Input) 5.5 Macro “Dmux_1_8” (18 DMUX) 5.6 Macro “Dmux_1_8_E” (18 DMUX with Enable Input) 5.7 Macro “Dmux_1_16” (116 DMUX) 5.8 Macro “Dmux_1_16_E” (116 DMUX with Enable Input) 5.9 Macro “B_Dmux_1_2_E” (12 Byte DeMultiplexer with Enable Input) 5.10 Macro “B_Dmux_1_4_E” (14 Byte DeMultiplexer with Enable Input)5.11 Macro “B_Dmux_1_8_E” (18 Byte DeMultiplexer with Enable Input) 5.12 Macro “Dispatcher_1_8_E” (18 Dispatcher with Enable Input) 5.13 Macro “Patcher_8_1_E” (81 Patcher with Enable Input) 5.14 Examples for Demultiplexer Macros Chapter 6 - Decoder Macros (Available as E-Ancillaries)6.1 Macro “decod_1_2” (12 Decoder with Active High Outputs) 6.2 Macro “decod_1_2_AL” (12 Decoder with Active Low Outputs) 6.3 Macro “decod_1_2_E” (12 Decoder with Active High Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 6.4 Macro “decod_1_2_E_AL” (12 Decoder with Active Low Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 6.5 Macro “decod_2_4” (24 Decoder with Active High Outputs) 6.6 Macro “decod_2_4_AL” (24 Decoder with Active Low Outputs) 6.7 Macro “decod_2_4_E” (24 Decoder with Active High Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 6.8 Macro “decod_2_4_E_AL” (24 Decoder with Active Low Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 6.9 Macro “decod_3_8” (38 Decoder with Active High Outputs) 6.10 Macro “decod_3_8_AL” (38 Decoder with Active Low Outputs) 6.11 Macro “decod_3_8_E” (38 Decoder with Active High Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 6.12 Macro “decod_3_8_E_AL” (38 Decoder with Active Low Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 6.13 Macro “decod_4_16” (416 Decoder with Active High Outputs) 6.14 Macro “decod_4_16_AL” (416 Decoder with Active Low Outputs) 6.15 Macro “decod_4_16_E” (416 Decoder with Active High Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 6.16 Macro “decod_4_16_E_AL” (416 Decoder with Active Low Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 6.17 Examples for Decoder Macros Chapter 7 - Priority Encoder Macros (Available as E-Ancillaries)7.1 Macro “encod_4_2_p” (42 Priority Encoder with Active High Outputs) 7.2 Macro “encod_4_2_p_E” (42 Priority Encoder with Active High Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 7.3 Macro “encod_8_3_p” (83 Priority Encoder with Active High Outputs) 7.4 Macro “encod_8_3_p_E” (83 Priority Encoder with Active High Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 7.5 Macro “encod_dec_bcd_p” (Decimal to BCD Priority Encoder with Active High Outputs) 7.6 Macro “encod_dec_bcd_p_E” (Decimal to BCD Priority Encoder with Active High Outputs and with Active High Enable Input Input) 7.7 Macro “encod_16_4_p” (164 Priority Encoder with Active High Outputs) 7.8 Macro “encod_16_4_p_E” (164 Priority Encoder with Active High Outputs and with Active High Enable Input) 7.9 Examples for Priority Encoder Macros Chapter 8 – Conversion Macros 8.1 Macro “Conv_UsInt_2_BCD_U” (Unsigned Short Integer to Unpacked BCD Conversion) 8.2 Macro “Conv_UsInt_2_BCD_P” (Unsigned Short Integer to Packed BCD Conversion) 8.3 Macro “Conv_UInt_2_BCD_U” (Unsigned Integer to Unpacked BCD Conversion) 8.4 Macro “Conv_UInt_2_BCD_P” (Unsigned Integer to Packed BCD Conversion) 8.5 Macro “Conv_BCD_U_2_UInt” (5 Digit Unpacked BCD to Unsigned Integer Conversion) 8.6 Macro “Conv_BCD_P_2_UInt” (5 Digit Packed BCD to Unsigned Integer Conversion) 8.7 7-segment LED Displays 8.8 Macro “Segment_CCD” (Segment_CCD Instruction) 8.9 Macro “Segment_CAD” (Segment_CAD Instruction) 8.10 Macro “Conv_Bin_2_Gray” (Binary to Gray Code Conversion) 8.11 Macro “Conv_Bin_2_Gray_16” (Binary to Gray Code Conversion) 8.12 Macro “Conv_Gray_2_Bin” (Gray Code to Binary Conversion) 8.13 Macro “Conv_Gray_2_Bin_16” (Gray Code to Binary Conversion) 8.14 Examples for Conversion Macros 8.15 References
Murat Uzam was borned in Söke, Turkey, in 1968. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Electrical Engineering Department, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey, 1989 and 1991, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from University of Salford, Salford, U.K., in 1998. He was with Nigde University, Turkey, from 1993 to 2010 in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering as a Research Assistant, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. He was a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, at Melikşah University in Kayseri, Turkey from 2011 to 2016. He was a Visiting Researcher with INRIA, University of Metz and University of Rennes, France, in 1999, with University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 2003, and with Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in 2013, 2015 and 2019. Since 15 April 2020, he has been serving as a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, at Yozgat Bozok University in Yozgat, Turkey. He has published 50 conference papers and 85 journal and magazine papers, 70 of which are indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE). He has published two books in Turkish and one book in English by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). According to Publons, his H-Index is 15 and his papers have been cited 1269 times by the papers indexed in the SCIE. His current research interests include design and implementation of discrete event control systems modeled by Petri nets and, in particular, deadlock prevention/liveness enforcing in flexible manufacturing systems, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), microcontrollers (especially PIC microcontrollers), and design of microcontroller-based PLCs. Dr. Uzam has been serving as a reviewer for prestigious journals and conferences. According to Publons, the number of his verified reviews is 70.
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