Part 1 The nature of philosophical inquiry into educational discourse: definitions and the problem of meaning. Part 2 Metaphors in educational Discourse: Pitfalls Of Language-Vagueness, Ambiguity, Emotive Uses; metaphorical language; analyzing educational metaphors. Part 3 An analysis of the concept of education: several uses of the term education; R.S.Peters' analysis of education; critical remarks on Peters' Criteria. Part 4 Aims in education: the logic of aim; development of persons as the aim of education; interpreting aims of education; the role of the school in society. Part 5 Educational curricula and the nature of knowledge: the concept of curriculum; elements of curriculum; the nature of knowledge; the differentiation of knowledge; criticism of Hirst's forms of knowledge. Part 6 Child- centred curricula: contrasting approaches to curriculum; the needs curriculum; human nature considerations; priciples for selecting curriculum content. Part 7 Teaching and learning in education: the concept learning; the concept teaching; relationships between education, teaching and learning; indoctrination and other forms of Mis- Education. Part 8 Inter-personal and social issues in education: discipline; punishment; freedom and authority; the student-teacher relationship. Part 9 Moral education: introduction - why moral education? moral education and values education; moral development as the achievement of virtue; the paradox of moral education. Part 10 The justification of education: the nature of the justification; kinds of justification; a moral argument; instrumental justification; the pleasure principle as justification; non-instrumental instrinsic justification.