1. MaiaMerabishvili, Jean-Paul Pirnay, Kilian Vogele, Danish J. Malik;Production of PhageTherapeutics and Formulations – InnovativeApproaches.
2. ShigenobuMatsuzaki, JumpeiUchiyama;Phagepharmacokinetics: relationship with administrationroute.
3. ShawnaMcCallin, Frank Oechslin;BacterialResistance to Phage and itsImpact on Clinical Therapy.
II. Bacteriophages and the immune system
4. Jonas D. Van Belleghem, Krystyna Dąbrowska, Mario Vaneechoutte, Jeremy J. Barr;Phageinteraction with the mammalianimmune system.
5. Maciej Żaczek, Marzanna Łusiak-Szelachowska, Beata Weber-Dąbrowska, Ryszard Międzybrodzki, Wojciech Fortuna, Paweł Rogóż, Sławomir Letkiewicz, Andrzej Górski;Humoralimmuneresponse to phage-basedtherapeutics.
III.Use of bacteriophages to combat bacterial infections
6. JérômeGabard, Patrick Jault; How to achieve a goodphage therapy clinical trial?
7. RandallKincaid: Treatment and Prevention of BacterialInfectionsusingBacteriophages;Perspectives on the RenewedInterest in the United States.
8. PawełRogóż, Derek F. Amanatullah, RyszardMiędzybrodzki, Robert Manasherob, Nina V. Tikunova, Beata-Weber-Dąbrowska, Wojciech Fortuna, SławomirLetkiewicz, Andrzej Górski; Phage Therapy in Orthopaedic Implant-associated Infections.
9. Katarzyna Kosznik-Kwaśnicka, Gracja Topka, Aleksandra Dydecka, Agnieszka Necel, Bożena Nejman-Faleńczyk, Sylwia Bloch, Grzegorz Węgrzyn, Alicja Węgrzy; The use of bacteriophages in animalhealth and food protection.
10. PetarKnezevic, VericaAleksicSabo;Combiningbacteriophages with otherantibacterialagents to combatbacteria.
11. Luís D. R. Melo, Diana Priscila Pires, Rodrigo Monteiro, JoanaAzeredo;„Phage therapy of infectious biofilms: Challenges and strategies”.
IV. Phage therapy – regulatory and ethical aspects
12. Roger D. Plaut, Scott Stibitz; Regulatory Considerations for Bacteriophage Therapy Products.
13. EricPelfrene,ZigmarsSebris, Marco Cavaleri; Developing phagesintomedicines for Europe.
14. Daniel De Vos, Gilbert Verbeken, JohanQuintens, Jean-Paul Pirnay;Phagetherapy in Europe: Regulatory and intellectualpropertyprotectionissues.
15. Jan Borysowski, Andrzej Górski;Ethics of phagetherapy.
V. Bacteriophage-derived antibacterial agents
16. Vincent A. Fischetti, PhageLysins;NovelAlternative to Antibiotics.
Prof.A.Górski, MD, PhD is head of the Bacteriophage Laboratory and Phage Therapy Center.Hismain interests are phage therapy and immunobiology of phage. In the 2000s he presented a hypothesis on protective action of endogenous phages which involves not only their antibacterial but also antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory action. Subsequently, he formulated a hypothesis on phage translocation from the gastrointestinal tract to other tissues where phages could mediate their effects. In the past few years he has published articles envisaging the potential role of phages in the treatment of autoimmune disorders, allergy and graft-versus-host disease (“phage repurposing”)(A.Górski et al., Med Res Rev 2019 doi: 10.1002/med.21593). He was a co-editor of a book on phage therapy (see above).
RyszardMiędzybrodzki MD, PhD has been engaged in preclinical studies on bacteriophage application in the treatment of bacterial infections as well as experimental phage therapy. Since 2013 he has also worked at the Department of Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Warsaw. He has published over 70 papers and five book chapters related to therapeutic phage application including new perspectives of clinical use of bacteriophages (anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating phage effects). He was a co-editor of the book Phage Therapy. Current Research and Applications published in 2014 by Caister Academic Press.
Jan Borysowski MD, PhD works at the Department of Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Warsaw. His interests include phage therapy and medical ethics, especially ethical aspects of compassionate use. He has published over 40 papers and seven book chapters. His papers have been published, among others, by BMC Medicine, Frontiers in Immunology and Frontiers in Microbiology. Moreover, he was the lead editor of the book Phage Therapy. Current Research and Applications published in 2014 by Caister Academic Press.
This book gives a detailed yet clear insight into the current state of the art of the therapeutic application of bacteriophages in different conditions. The authors bring in their practical expertise within their respective fields of expertise and provide an excellent overview of the potential and actual use of phage therapy. Topics like economic feasibility compared to traditional antibiotics and also regulatory issues are discussed in far detail.
This new volume is therefore a valuable resource for individuals engaged in the medical application of novel phage therapies.