Structural Styles.- Graben hydrocarbon plays and structural styles.- Geological history of the southern Horn Graben.- Late Palaeozoic to Early Cenozoic structural development of the south-southeastern Norwegian North Sea.- The structural outline of the Horn Graben.- Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Prospects and Fields.- Recent exploration in Pre-Permian rocks around the Brabant Massif in Belgium, The Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany.- Gas Fields of Bergen Concession, The Netherlands.- Rotliegend and Main Buntsandstein gas fields in block K/13 — A case history.- The development of the Zechstein in The Netherlands.- Mesozoic structural and sedimentary development of the Danish Central Graben.- Jurassic stratigraphy and tectonics of the south-southeastern Norwegian offshore.- Sedimentology of Middle and Upper Jurassic sandstone reservoirs of Denmark.- Stratigraphic correlation of the Vlieland and Delfland Units in the Dutch offshore, based on palynology.- Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy and tectonics of the south-southeastern Norwegian offshore.- The Harlingen Field, the only gas field in the Upper Cretaceous Chalk of The Netherlands.- Petroleum geology of the Gorm field, Danish North Sea.- Depositional conditions during Chalk sedimentation in the Ekofisk area Norwegian North Sea.- Sedimentology and reservoir parameters of the Chalk Group in the Danish Central Graben.- Reservoir geology, structural framework and petrophysical aspects of the De Wijk gas field.- Rock Properties.- The East Groningen Massif — Detection of an intrusive body by means of coalification.- Bit-metamorphism, illustrated by lithological data from German North Sea wells.- Investigation on the source rock potential of Denmark.