Introduction - paradigms and politics. Part 1 Frameworks: a conceptual model of crime prevention, P.J. Brantingham and L. Faust; preventing crime - what works, what doesn't, what's promising, L.W. Sherman et al. Part 2 Paradigms: the Chicago Area Project - a 25-year assessment, S. Kobrin; from delinquency treatment to community development, A.J. Kahn; crime and the criminologies, J.Q. Wilson. Part 3 Activating the community: community crime prevention - an analysis of a developing strategy, D.A. Lewis and G. Salem; broken windows - the police and neighbourhood safety, J.Q. Wilson and G. Kelling; two visions of community crime prevention, E. Currie; neighbourhoods and violent crime - a multi-level study of collective efficacy, R.J. Sampson et al. Part 4 Opportunities and risks: social change and crime rate trends - a routine activities approach, L.E. Cohen and M. Felson; situational crime prevention - theory and practice, R.V.G. Clarke; revictimization - reducing the heat on hot victims, K. Pease and G. Laycock. Part 5 Preventing criminality: early developmental prevention of juvenile delinquency, D.P. Farrington; what works in preventing criminality, J. Graham. Part 6 Political programmes: crime, localities and the multi-agency approach, A. Sampson, H. Blagg et al; social crime prevention a la Thatcher, M. King; crime prevention and the safer cities story, N. Tilley; the "dream" of multi-agency crime prevention - pitfalls in policy and practice, R. Walters; community safety and the quest for security - holding back the dynamics of social exclusion. Part 7 Politics of community - politics of risk: the limits of the sovereign state - strtegies of crime control in contemporary society, D. Garland; the future of policing, D.H. Bayley and C.D. Shearing; the local politics of inclusion - the state and community safety, J. Pitts and T. Hope; communitarianism and law and order, G. Hughes.