ISBN-13: 9786202027625 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 92 str.
ISBN-13: 9786202027625 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 92 str.
The book reports a case study from Kishan Buffer zone community forest in Shuklphanta Wildlife Reserve (now National Park) that lies in Western part of the country. While we are trying to conserve the biodiversity by declaring the areas as protected areas, people residing beside the protected areas are equally important to be considered as they might be living in those areas for long time, rely on the natural resources available in the Buffer Zone for their livelihood and might have no other places to go. Hence, they need to understand the value of the resources they behold as well as feel secured to be sharing their resources with wild lives as well. There are various issues of park people conflict associated with and around the protected areas. However the people in Kishan BZCF were largely found to have positive perception and attitude towards biodiversity conservation. They understand the value and need of conservation for current and future generation.