Foreword ixPreface xiAcknowledgments xvChapter 1 The People-Centric Journey Begins Anew 1Chapter 2 Reading Through People 5Chapter 3 Emotional Intelligence 29Chapter 4 Different Points of View: Using Self-Awareness and Empathy Effectively 47Chapter 5 Wrong Mode = Wrong Mood: Determining the Optimal Mode of Communication 51Chapter 6 Influencing Change Throughout Any Business 59Chapter 7 Projecting the Real You: Public Speaking 65Chapter 8 Coaching and Mentoring 93Chapter 9 Presentation Skills and Body Language 99Chapter 10 Thinking Quickly on Your Feet 125Chapter 11 Coaching and Mentoring, Revisited 131Chapter 12 Crisis Management 139Epilogue 143Appendix 145About the Author 179Index 181
DANNY M. GOLDBERG, CPA, CIA, CISA, is the founder of GoldSRD, a leading staffing, recruiting, and professional development firm. He has over 22 years of experience and is an IIA - Dallas Chapter board member. He is well-published, from numerous articles to three other books, and is a highly-regarded speaker on all facets of audit and people-centric skills.