ISBN-13: 9781536177664
The Pediatric Cardiac Postoperative Handbook is a practical postoperative manual. It comprises evidence-based literature which also carries daily experience from one of the major centers in pediatric cardiac critical care of SAGBPo Paulo and Latin America. BP Hospital / BeneficAncia Portuguesa of SAGBPo Paulo receives many patients from all over Brazil and performs nearly 400 pediatric cardiac surgeries per year. This publication is destined to attending physicians, fellows, residents, medical students and all multidisciplinary teams involved in pediatric cardiac postoperative care. Discussion is focused on early pediatric cardiac postoperative care. From the surgery to patient's transference to the ward, which involve drugs, nutrition, ventilation, and frequent complications. We also enhance the most recent advances in the field and, in spite of the limitation to summarize this complex topic, we have tried to be brief and concise. We hope this manual may fulfill the necessities of postoperative care providers and improve the care and outcomes of our patients.