1. Introduction: Wisdom for Common Life (Chung Yong) as a Theological and Pastoral Task in the Korean American Context Angella Son
2. The Power of Ambivalence for Korean American Women in the Confucian Context Insook Lee3. Intimate Violence and Pastoral Care in the Korean American Community Jaeyeon Lucy Chung
4. Exposing the Shame That Binds Us in Intimate Partner Violence David Daesoo Kim
5. Pastoral Care for the Spiritual and Mental Health of Elderly Korean American Christians:
Confronting Ageism through Autobiography Groups Yong Hwan Kim
6. In-Between Cultures to In-Both: Creating Common Stories of Korean American Youth Sophia S. Park
7. What’s Love Got to Do With It? Sex and the Korean American College Student and Young Adult Kirsten Sonkyo Oh
8. Racism as a Heightening Factor in the High Rate of Depression among Korean American Youth and Young Adults (KAY&YA) Angella Son
9. Addiction, Pain and Compassionate Care Sonia E. Waters
Angella Son is Professor of Psychology and Religion at Drew University Theological School, USA.
This book provides theoretical background and pastoral strategies for pastors, lay leaders, and congregation members to foster a restoration of the human dignity imputed by God and the good community God desires. It addresses issues in pastoral care and pays particular attention to Korean and Korean American contexts. Some of the specific issues addressed include wisdom for common life (Chung Yong) as a theological and pastoral task, tension between Confucianism and feminism, care of the abused and abusers in intimate violence, ageism and elderly care, racism and cultural identity of Korean youth, sexual ethics among Korean young adults, and depression and addiction among Korean American youth and young adults. All of the contributors have a strong background in clinical and/or pastoral practices in addition to theoretical expertise.