ISBN-13: 9781503233447 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 216 str.
Parenting at Warp Speed is a guide for all parents, and is written for parents that really embrace the, "family is permanent," attitude.
Good parenting requires good parents, (it's on the cover) if you are new to parenting, this book will provide you with practical answers and strategies to take on the most challenging and rewarding job you will ever have.
For new parents, sage advice is offered for the first day when you come home with your new baby. (the author has been there seven times) After that, parenting gets easier and better, and Parenting at Warp Speed will give you heads-up alerts, along the way.
If you are a seasoned parent, expect to enjoy reliving the best times of your life, and then put to use timely tips for parenting your flock.
If you have an open mind, prepare to be, engaged. If you are a closed minded ideologue, expect to be offended, iron-fisted methods are not suggested.
Begin by tossing out the notion that any book has all the answers, and realize you already know what's best.
The parenting mindset is key to good parenting, and embracing it fully, is all it takes to make a parent, a great parent. Simply stated, parents must look at parenting from their children's viewpoint. How their children react, learn, grow, and see the world. Empathetic compassionate thinking should come to mind, but let's leave that for the book.
Parenting at Warp Speed, includes over fifty proven, positive, and practical strategies for raising wonderful kids and being great parents. Parenting bad habits are identified and fixed. Practical advice for creating rules, rewards, and limits that children want to follow are discussed. Stay at home parents and working parents are not left out. Behavior issues, responsibility, and discipline is addressed, and so is raising toddler's throwing tantrums to adolescent lying and teenager rebellion. There is a section devoted to schools, teachers, and volunteering.
Whether parents of infants or teenagers, everyone will think this book is written specifically for them. The author has thirty five years of parenting, and is still parenting his four sons and three daughters, he confidently shares insightful wisdom learned in the trenches along the way.
When we talk of parenting, there are many common one size fits all answers, but there are just as many children that the answers do not address. The parents' job is to take it all in, and be the best parent they can be. Parenting at Warp Speed is a convenient reminder of solid principles.
To help you decide if this parent guide is for you, go to the "See Inside" feature and take a look at the table of contents to see if anything listed applies to you, and your children.
Included on the last page is "The one thing parents wish they would have done, if they had only known." Note: this book is also available with the title:
Parenting Guide for Teaching and Raising Responsible Well Behaved Children
It is exactly the same interior, just a different cover name, your choice