1. Introduction: much work still to do ~ Ann-Zofie Duvander, Alison Koslowski and Peter Moss;
Part I: Recent developments and the politics of leave policy;
2. Spain: leave policy in times of economic crisis ~ Gerardo Meil, Jesús Rogero-García and Pedro Romero-Balsas;
3. Poland: leave policy and the process and goals of a major reform ~ Anna Kurowska;
4. United Kingdom: leave policy and an attempt to take a new path ~ Peter Moss and Margaret O’Brien;
5. Israel: leave policy, familialism and the neoliberal welfare state~Nadav Perez-Vaisvidovsky;
6. Japan: leave policy and attempts to increase fathers’ take-up~Hideki Nakazato;
7. China: leave and population policies ~ Shirley Gatenio Gabel, Wen-Jui Han and Xiaoran Wang;
8. Mexico: leave policy, co-responsibility in childcare and informal employment~ Cándido Pérez-Hernández and Anna Escobedo;
9. United States: leave policy, failure and potential ~ Gayle Kaufman;
Part II: Some current issues in leave policy;
10. What do people want? Leave policy preferences in different countries ~ Isabel Valarino;
11. Gender equality: Parental Leave design and evaluating its effects on fathers’ participation ~ Ann-Zofie Duvander, Guðný Björk Eydal, Berit 12. Brandth, Ingólfur V. Gíslason, Johanna Lammi-Taskula and Tine Rostgaard;
12. Flexibility: some consequences for fathers’ caregiving ~ Berit Brandth and Elin Kvande
13. The workplace: challenges for fathers and their use of leave ~ Valérie Harvey and Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay;
14. Care-work policies: conceptualising leave within a broader framework ~ Sara Mazzucchelli, Luca Pesenti and M.Letizia Bosoni;
15. A social right? Access to leave and its relation to parents’ labour market position ~ Ivana Dobrotić and Sonja Blum;
Part III: Future directions for leave policy;
16. Universal Basic Income: what could it mean for gender equality in care work? ~ Alison Koslowski;
17. The time credit system: the panacea for a life course approach? ~ Laura Merla and Fred Deven;
18. Towards a multi-active society: daring to imagine a new work-life regime ~ Bernard Fusulier and Chantal Nicole-Drancourt;
19. Reimagining Parental Leave: a conceptual ‘thought experiment’ ~Andrea Doucet, Lindsey McKay and Sophie Mathieu;
20. Parental Leave and beyond: recent developments, current issues, future directions ~ Ann-Zofie Duvander, Alison Koslowski and Peter Moss.