List of contributors; Preface R. Poulin; 1. Revealing the faunal tapestry: co-evolution and historical biogeography of hosts and parasites in marine systems E. P. Hoberg and G. J. Klassen; 2. The trematodes of groupers (Serranidae: Epinephelinae): knowledge, nature and evolution T. H. Cribb, R. A. Bray, T. Wright and S. Pichelin; 3. Ecology of larval trematodes in three marine gastropods L. A. Curtis; 4. Order in ectoparasite communities of marine fish is explained by epidemiological processes S. Morand, K. Rohde and C. Hayward; 5. Cleaning symbioses from the parasites' perspective A. S. Grutter; 6. Food webs and the transmission of parasites to marine fish D. J. Marcogliese; 7. Parasitism, community structure and biodiversity in intertidal ecosystems K. N. Mouritsen and R. Poulin; 8. Parasitism at the ecosystem level in the Baltic Sea C. D. Zander and L. W. Reimer; 9. Parasites and marine invasions M. E. Torchin, K. D. Lafferty and A. M. Kuris; 10. Parasites as biological tags in population studies of marine organisms: an update K. Mackenzie; 11. A review of the population biology and host-parasite interactions of the sea louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae) O. Tully and D. T. Nolan; 12. The trouble with sealworms (Pseudoterranova decipiens species complex: Nematoda): a review G. McClelland.