13. Capital Regulation, Efficiency, and Risk Taking: A Spatial Panel Analysis of U.S. Banks14. Panel Data in Educational Research15. Panel Data in Energy Economics16. Panel Data Analysis Based on Lab Evidence in Auction Market Experiments 17. Maximum Likelihood for Cross-Lagged Panel Models With Fixed Effects18. Panel Data in Transportation Research19. Panel Data in Banking: Research Issues and Data Peculiarities 20. Quantile Panel Estimation of Financial Contagion Effects 21. Application of Panel Data Models for Empirical Economic Analysis 22. The Income-Health Gradient: Evidence From Self-Reported Health and Biomarkers in Understanding Society23. Application in Banking: Securitization and Global Banking24. Regional Innovation in the United States: A Poisson Stochastic Frontier Approach With Finite Mixture Structure 25. Making Inference of British Household's Happiness Efficiency: A Panel Bayesian Inference Procedure26. The Impact of Explicit Deposit Insurance on Market Discipline 27. Export Pricing at the Firm Level With Panel Data 28. The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Democracy: Alternative Representations of Technological Change 29. Analysis of Stochastic Dominance Ranking of Chinese Income Distributions by Household Attributes30. The Neural Network Production Function: Panel Evidence for the United States
Mike G. Tsionas is Professor of Economics in the Lancaster University Management School (Ph.D, 1994, University of Minnesota). He is a Fellow of the Journal of Econometrics, a Distinguished Author of the Journal of Applied Econometrics and an Associate Editor of Empirical Economics, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Economic Modelling, Journal of Mathematics and the Journal of Banking and Finance in the past. He has authored several books and 160 academic papers in such journals as Review of Economic Studies, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Banking and Finance, and several other leading Economics journals.