Some determinantal identities in a vector space, with applications.- Some convergence results in simultaneous rational approximation to the set of hypergeometric functions {1F1(1;ci;z)} i=1 n .- Zeros of a rational function defined by its Laurent expansion.- Formule d’Erreur dans l’Interpolation Rationnelle Multipoints d’une Fonction de la Variable Complexe.- Utilisation de l’invariance Homographique dans les Algorithmes de Losange.- The mechanism of the multivariate Pade process.- Operations sur des Familles de Suites et Accelerabilite.- The Padé Approximants in a Non-Commutative Algebra and their Applications.- Conditions Suffisantes d’Acceleration de la Convergence.- Generalised inverse vector valued rational interpolation.- Multipoints rational approximants.- Order stars and the structure of Padé tableaux.- Modification of continued fractions.- Solitary waves, padeons and solitons.- Riccati acceleration of Jacobi continued fractions and Laguerre-Hahn orthogonal polynomials.- ? fractions and the strong hamburger moment problem.- Padé-type approximants for multivariate series of functions.- Pade approximations in the numerical solution of hyperbolic differential equations.