Options Trading: for Beginners: The Guide for Making Money with Options Trading
Options Trading: Strategies for Making Money with Options Trading
Book 1: Learn How To Make Money With Options Trading How would you like to leverage your portfolio and make very nice extra profits? People trading options do it every day, and you can, too. This book will introduce you to the concepts behind options, introduce the vocabulary associated with options trading and give you some online resources for further education and for actually trading options. If you take advantage of the information herein and follow up with more education and training on the topic of options trading, you will be in a position to earn bigger profits in the stock market by trading options. The better you get at trading options, the more money you can make. We also point out that options trading is not risk-free. There are certain fundamentals that must be followed and the trader must keep abreast of the stock market and the options market in order to minimize the risk. Make no mistake; options trading is not for the faint of heart. There is some level of stress and risk involved and the trader must commit to spending the time and energy to learn the business and operate with a satisfactory level of comfort and confidence to be successful. This book also assumes the reader has a good familiarity with the stock market. We cannot include all of the nuances of the market in the financial instruments underlying the trading in options. We have attempted to offer an introduction to options trading and how to do so successfully. To make the examples more realistic, we usually use real stocks and market information at the time of writing this book. Trading in options is not all that difficult, but you do have to pay attention, learn the concepts and the vocabulary, and understand the basics of options trading. We wish you good fortune in carrying out options trading and making the kind of profits you desire. Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include
Concepts Behind Options
Basic Vocabulary for Options
Trading Options, Not Stocks
Trading Strategies
It's All Greek to Me
Sizing Up the Market; Predicting Directions
Recommended Websites and Resources for Options Trading
And more
Book 2: Introducing: The Best Strategies for Options Trading Today This is what you'll discover in this book
Basic Concepts
Portfolio Construction
Case Examples
Online Resources
And more
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