High Speed Broadband Mobile Networks - HSPA Network Simulator - HSDPA Flow Control and Congestion Control -Analytical Models for Flow Control and Congestion Control
Dr. Thushara Weerawardane completed his doctoral degree at the Communication Networks Group of TZI (Center for Communication and Information Technology), University of Bremen. He is a researcher at the Communication Networks Group, working in the field of design and development of broadband mobile network access networks.
The design and development of cost-effective mobile broadband wireless access networks is a key challenge for many mobile network operators. The over-dimensioning or under-dimensioning of an access network results in both additional costs and customer dissatisfaction.
Thushara Weerawardane introduces new transport technologies and features for High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks. Using advanced scientific methods, he proposes new adaptive flow control and enhanced congestion control algorithms, then defends them with highly-developed analytical models derived from Markov chains. For faster analysis, compared to long-lasting detailed simulations, these models provide optimum network performance and ensure reliable quality standards for end users during transport network congestion. Further, the author investigates and analyzes LTE transport network performance by introducing novel traffic differentiation models and buffer management techniques during intra-LTE handovers.