Introduction to Optical Tweezers.- Exact Theory of Optical Tweezers and its Application to Absolute Calibration.- Beyond the Hookean Spring Model: Direct Measurement of Optical Forces Through Light Momentum Changes.- A Surfaced-Coupled Optical Trap with 1-bp Precision via Active Stabilization.- Implementation and Tuning of an Optical Tweezers Force-Clamp Feedback System.- Custom-Made Microspheres for Optical Tweezers.- Optical Torque Wrench Design and Calibration.- High-Resolution ‘Fleezers’: Dual-Trap Optical Tweezers Combined with Single-Molecule Fluorescence Detection.- Versatile Quadruple-Trap Optical Tweezers for Dual DNA Experiments.- Probing DNA-DNA Interactions with a Combination of Quadruple-Trap Optical Tweezers and Microfluidics.- Probing Single Helicase Dynamics on Long Nucleic Acids Through Force-Fluorescence Measurement.- Mechanically Watching the ClpXP Proteasome Machinery.- Deciphering the Molecular Mechanism of the Bacteriophage Φ29 DNA Packaging Motor.- Single-Molecule Protein Folding Experiments using High-Precision Optical Tweezers.- Observing Single RNA Polymerase Molecules Down to Base-Pair Resolution.- Optical Tweezers-Based Measurements of Forces Generated by Dynamic Microtubule Ends.- Simultaneous Manipulation and Super-Resolution Fluorescence Imaging of Individual Kinetochores Coupled to Microtubule Tips.- Measurement of Force-Dependent Release Rates of Cytoskeletal Motors.- Measuring The Kinetic and Mechanical Properties of Non-Processive Myosins using Optical Tweezers.- Quantifying Force and Viscoelasticity Inside Living Cells Using an Active-Passive Calibrated Optical Trap.- Measuring Molecular Forces using Calibrated Optical Traps in Living Cells.