Continuity and Discreteness The Pythagorean School and Incommensurable Magnitudes Atomism The Stoics and the Continuum Theory of Matter Zeno’s Paradoxes Contemporary Versions of Zeno’s Paradoxes: Supertasks Infinitesimals
Chapter II: Oppositions and Paradoxes in Mathematics: Set Theory and the Infinite
Set Theory and the One/Many Opposition Paradoxes of the Infinite Uncountable Infinities Set-Theoretic Antinomies The Axiom of Choice
Chapter III: The Strange Universe of Non-Euclidean Geometry
Hyperbolic Geometry Riemannian Geometry
Chapter IV: Puzzles and Paradoxes of Time Travel
Time Travel into the Past: Branching Timelines Temporal Loops Time Travel into the Future The Future Time Viewer Two-Dimensional Time Temporal Interdicts Time Travel as a Physical Possibility
Chapter V: Puzzles and Paradoxes of Relativity Theory
Special Relativity Spacetime Faster-than-Light Particles in Special Relativity: Tachyons General Relativity: The Principle of Equivalence Black Holes
Chapter VI: Puzzles and Paradoxes in Quantum Physics
Waves vs. Particles Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and Bohr’s Principle of Complementarity Quantum Tunneling The Riddle of Polarization Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox Interpretations of Quantum Theory The EPR Paradox and Nonlocality
Chapter VII: Cosmic Enigmas
The Beginnings of Cosmology Steady-State vs. Big Bang The Problem of the Origin of the Universe Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Cosmic Acceleration The Argument from Design vs. the Multiverse A Philosophical Coda
Appendix 1: Paradoxes in Logic and Language
The Liar Paradox The Liar, the Truth-Teller, and the Dice Man Curry’s Paradox The Grelling-Nelson Paradox Berry’s Paradox Richard’s Paradox The Paradox of the Heap
Appendix 2: Reflections on the Constant and the Changing
Appendix 3: Oppositions in Kant’s Philosophy
Appendix 4: The Principle of Microstraightness, Nilpotent Infinitesimals, and the Differential Calculus
Further ReadingList of OppositionsList of ParadoxesIndex
Bell, John John Bell is Professor of Public and Comparative L... więcej >