Introduction viiPart I The Case for OKRS 1Business as Usual Is Usually Wrong 3What Are OKRs, and Why Should I Care? 9How Have OKRs Changed the Way Business Is Done? 13Am I Ready for OKRs? Is My Company? 33Part II The Seven Pillars of OKR Success 43Pillar 1: Purpose 51Pillar 2: Strategic Objectives and Outcomes 69Pillar 3: Measures of Success 77Pillar 4: People 89Pillar 5: Process 113Pillar 6: Projects 137Pillar 7: Continuous Feedback 145Part III Operationalizing the Blueprint 149Operationalizing the Blueprint as an Individual Contributor 155Operationalizing OKRs as a Team Manager 183Operationalizing OKRs as a Company Leader 237Conclusion 261Acknowledgments 263About the Author 265Index 267