SECTION 1: INTRODUCTIONChapter 1 Introduction to Intervention ResearchChapter 2: Overview of InterventionsSECTION 2: DEVELOPING INTERVENTIONSChapter 3 Understanding Health ProblemsChapter 4: Designing InterventionsChapter 5: Intervention TheorySECTION 3: DELIVERING INTERVENTIONSChapter 6: Overview of Intervention DeliveryChapter 7: Development of Intervention ManualChapter 8: Selecting, Training, and Addressing the Influence of InterventionistsChapter 9: Assessment of FidelitySECTION 4: EVALUATION OF INTERVENTIONChapter 10 Overview of Evaluation of InterventionsChapter 11 Examination of Interventions' AcceptanceChapter 12 Examination of Feasibility: Intervention and Research MethodsChapter 13 Process EvaluationChapter 14 Outcome Evaluation: DesignsChapter 15 Outcome Evaluation: MethodsSection 5: IMPLEMENTING INTERVENTIONS Chapter 16 Frameworks and Methods for Implementing Interventions
Souraya Sidani is Professor at the Cockwell School of Nursing, and Canada Research Chair in Design and Evaluation of Health Interventions at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.Carrie Jo Braden is Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio School of Nursing, USA.