ISBN-13: 9781507825518 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 52 str.
The Nursing Home Administrator Facility Orientation Guide was written by Richard and Peg Tobin as a guide to help new administrators key-in on specific areas to learn about in each department of a post acute facility. It is also designed to help seasoned administrators become familiar with a new facility in an organized process. Richard and Peg Tobin have worked in the capacity of Regional Managers and Corporate Leaders. Richard has been an administrator and Peg has been a director of nursing; therefore, they are very familiar with the operations of a post acute facility and developed this guide from years of experience in the field. According to Richard and Peg in order for a leader to be successful they need to take the time to meet all of their associates and learn what is happening in each department from the associates. Once a leader has demonstrated they care about those that work with them; the associates will care to adopt the leader's vision. This guide is general yet specific at the same time. In healthcare things are constantly changing and being approved upon; therefore, there will be reports that are referred to that will become extinct and new ones added. When change happens update and move on. The guide will remain pertinent and a very useful tool.