Stage 35. Rūs; Stage 36. Recitātiō; Stage 37. Cōnsilium; Stage 38. Nūptiae; Stage 39. Studia; Stage 40. Iūdicium; Stage 41. Bīthynia; Stage 42. Carmina; Stage 43. Ũnivira; Stage 44. Daedalus et Īcarus; Stage 45. Lesbia; Stage 46. Clādēs; Stage 47. Lūdī; Stage 48. Nerō et Agrippīna; Language Information: Part 1. About the Language; Part 2. Literary Terms and Rhetorical Devices; Part 3. Metrics; Part 4. Vocabulary; Index of cultural and literary topics; Index of grammatical topics; Time chart.