Fredrik Norén, Emil Stjernholm & C. Claire Thomson, “Nordic Media Histories of Propaganda and Persuasion: An Introduction”
Cultural Diplomacy and Public Information
Ruth Hemstad, “Promoting Norden and Nordic Cooperation in the 1930s: Social Democratic Visions and Transmedial Manifestations”
C. Claire Thomson, “‘It All Comes from Beer’: Tuborg, Carlsberg and the Role of Film in Danish Cultural Diplomacy”
Fredrik Norén, “Nordic Public Information: An Epistemic Community of Experiences and Ideas in the 1970s”
Elisabet Björklund, “Contested Pictures of Persuasion: American Images of Foetuses in Swedish Antiabortion Campaigns of the 1970s and 1980s”
Politics and Security
Emil Stjernholm, “A Rain of Propaganda: The Media Production of the Office of War Information in Stockholm, 1942–1945”
Emil Eiby Seidenfaden, “Mobilized for Propaganda: Danish Journalists in British Exile, 1940–1945”
Øystein Pedersen Dahlen & Rolf Werenskjold, “Norwegian Defence and Security Policy: The Struggle for Hearts and Minds in the 1950s”
Jukka Kortti, “Slow Media under Cross Pressures: US Educational Diplomacy in the Nordic Countries during the Cold War”
Internationalism and Environmentalism
Mari Pajala, “Creating Information Infrastructure for Transnational Co-operation in Television: Nordvision in the 1960s–1970s”
Björn Lundberg & David Larsson Heidenblad, “Mobilizing Scandinavian Children and Youth for the Environment: Launching a Transnational Campaign 1968–1971”
Melina Antonia Buns & Dominic Hinde, “Green States in a Dirty World: 1975 and the Performance of Nordic Green Modern”
Lars Diurlin, “The Nordic Mobilization of Public Opinion on Foreign Aid in the UN’s Second Development Decade”
Laura Saarenmaa, “Diversity Principle Taken to its Extreme: East Asian Propaganda on Finnish Television”
Nicholas J. Cull
Peter Stadius
Author Biographies
Fredrik Norén is a Senior Research Assistant at Humlab – the digital humanities hub at Umeå University, Sweden – with a PhD in media and communication. He has published research related to media history, governmental information and computational text analysis.
Emil Stjernholm is an Assistant Professor in media and communication studies at Lund University, Sweden. His areas of research include film and television history, propaganda studies and visual communication.
C. Claire Thomson is Professor of Cinema History at UCL, UK. She is the author of Short Films from a Small Nation: Danish Informational Cinema 1935-65 (2018) and co-editor of A History of Danish Cinema (2021). Her current research focuses on film and public health and unrealised films.
This open access edited volume shines new light on the history of propaganda and persuasion during the Nordic welfare epoch. A common analytical framework is developed that highlights transnational and transmedial perspectives rather than national or monomedial histories. The return of propaganda in contemporary debate underlines the need to historically contextualize the role and function of persuasive communication activities in the Nordic region and beyond. Building on an empirically situated approach, the chapters in this volume break new ground by covering a range of themes, from cultural diplomacy and nation branding to media materiality and information infrastructures. In doing so, the book stresses that the Nordic welfare epoch, with its associated epithet the “Nordic Model”, was built not only on governance, social security and economic productivity, but also on propaganda and persuasion.
Fredrik Norén is a Senior Research Assistant at Humlab – the digital humanities hub at Umeå University, Sweden – with a PhD in media and communication. He has published research related to media history, governmental information and computational text analysis.
Emil Stjernholm is an Assistant Professor in media and communication studies at Lund University, Sweden. His areas of research include film and television history, propaganda studies and visual communication.
C. Claire Thomson is Professor of Cinema History at UCL, UK. She is the author of Short Films from a Small Nation: Danish Informational Cinema 1935-65 (2018) and co-editor of A History of Danish Cinema (2021). Her current research focuses on film and public health and unrealised films.