'The smart organizational choices mean that readers can get a feeling for the physical concepts involved and for where to find more information. A related website collects errata and offers additional resources for students. In addition to difficult choices of subject inclusion, Livi and Politi had to decide how much detail to include … They present the essentials using simple language, give a few examples, and provide a few references to more specialized books and reviews. Then they move on to the next topic. I found the chapters in the book to be reasonably self-contained. Committed students can work through the whole book, and less patient readers can concentrate on one or two chapters at a time. Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics will be welcomed both by students and researchers entering the field and by those who are familiar with some recent developments and would like to learn more about others.' Daan Frenke, Physics Today
Preface; Acknowledgements; Notations and acronyms; 1. Brownian motion, Langevin and Fokker–Planck equations; 2. Linear response theory and transport phenomena; 3. From equilibrium to out-of-equilibrium phase transitions; 4. Out-of-equilibrium critical phenomena; 5. Stochastic dynamics of surfaces and interfaces; 6. Phase-ordering kinetics; 7. Highlights on pattern formation; Appendix A. Central limit theorem and its limitations; Appendix B. Spectral properties of stochastic matrices; Appendix C. Reversibility and ergodicity in a Markov chain; Appendix D. Diffusion equation and random walk; Appendix E. Kramers–Moyal expansion; Appendix F. Mathematical properties of response functions; Appendix G. The van der Waals equation; Appendix H. The Ising model; Appendix I. Derivation of the Ginzburg–Landau free energy; Appendix J. Kinetic Monte Carlo; Appendix K. Mean-field phase diagram of the bridge model; Appendix L. The deterministic KPZ and the Burgers' equation; Appendix M. The perturbative renormalization group for KPZ: a few details; Appendix N. The Gibbs–Thomson relation; Appendix O. The Allen–Cahn equation; Appendix P. The Rayleigh–Bénard instability; Appendix Q. General conditions for the Turing instability; Appendix R. Steady states of the one-dimensional TDGL equation; Appendix S. Multiscale analysis; Index.