Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I. Non-Perturbative Methods in Two Dimensional Field Theory: 1. From massless free scalar field to conformal field theories; 2. Conformal field theory; 3. Theories invariant under affine current algebras; 4. Wess-Zumino-Witten model and Coset models; 5. Solitons and two dimensional integrable models; 6. Bosonization; 7. The large N limit of two dimensional models; Part II. Two Dimensional Non-Perturbative Gauge Dynamics: 8. Gauge theories in two dimensions – basics; 9. Bosonized gauge theories; 10. The t'Hooft solution of 2d QCD; 11. Mesonic spectrum from current algebra; 12. DLCQ and the spectra of QC with fundamental and adjoint fermions; 13. The baryonic spectrum of multiflavour QCD2 in the strong coupling limit; 14. Confinement versus screening; 15. QCD2, Coset models and BRST quantization; 16. Generalized Yang Mills theory on Riemann surface; Part III. From Two to Four Dimensions: 17. Conformal invariance in four dimensional field theories and in QCD; 18. Integrability in four dimensional gauge dynamics; 19. Large N methods in QCD4; 20. From 2d bosonized baryons to 4d skyrmions; 21. From two dimensional solitons to four dimensional magnetic monopoles; 22. Instantons of QCD; 23. Summary, conclusions and outlook; References; Index.