Part I Conceptual Frameworks; Chapter 1 NGO Performance and Accountability: Introduction and Overview, Michael Edwards, David Hulme; Chapter 2 Why NGOs are not a Third Sector: a Sectoral Analysis with Some Thoughts on Accountability, Sustainability and Evaluation, Norman Uphoff; Chapter 3 Negotiating Room for Manoeuvre: Reflections Concerning NGO Autonomy and Accountability Within the New Policy Agenda, Stephen Biggs, Arthur Neame; Chapter 4 ‘Board Games’: Governance and Accountability in NGOs, Rajesh Tandon; Part II Case Studies; Chapter 5 Scaling-up, Mainstreaming and Accountability: the Challenge for NGOs, Frits Wils; Chapter 6 European NGOs and Democratisation in Central America: Assessing Performance in the Light of Changing Priorities, Kees Biekart; Chapter 7 From Accountability to Shared Responsibility: NGO Evaluation in Latin America, Hector Béjar, Peter Oakley; Chapter 8 Accountability and Part Icipation: a Case Study from Bombay, Vandana Desai, Mick Howes; Chapter 9 Strategies for Monitoring and Accountability: the Working Women’s Forum Model, Janaki Ramesh; Chapter 10 NGO Accountability in Bangladesh: Beneficiaries, Donors and the State, Syed Hashemi; Chapter 11 NGOs in Bangladesh: Issues of Legitimacy and Accountability, Mahbubul Karim; Chapter 12 ::, David Pratten, Suliman Ali Baldo; Chapter 13 ::, Zie Gariyo; Part III Ways Forward; Chapter 14 Assessing NGO Performance: Difficulties, Dilemmas and a Way Ahead, Alan Fowler; Chapter 15 Painting Canadian Roses Red, Ian Smillie; Chapter 16 ::, Jane Covey; Chapter 17 Part Icipatory Methods for Increasing NGO Accountability: a Case Study from India, Parmesh Shah, Meera Kaul Shah; Chapter 18 Transforming the Transnational NGOs: Social Auditing or Bust?, Simon Zadek, Murdoch Gatward; Chapter 19 ::, Robert Chambers; Chapter 20 Beyond the Magic Bullet? Lessons and Conclusions, Michael Edwards, David Hulme;