ISBN-13: 9780788416972 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 442 str.
ISBN-13: 9780788416972 / Angielski / Miękka / 2013 / 442 str.
This book is dedicated to the descendents of the pioneer families of Western Washington and Eastern Allegany Counties of Western Maryland: the Price, Norris, Potts, Fletcher, Watson, Nesbitt, Creek, Rockwell and Trail families. Thomas Price (c1610-1701) is said to have come to Maryland with the Ark and Dove expedition of 1634. Thomas Norris was born in England circa 1608, and came to Virginia circa 1630/31. Jonas Potts, born in Wales circa 1658/1660, is first noticed in Pennsylvania as a witness to a marriage certificate in 1686. The first confirmed Fletcher (of this line) is Alexander, born 1815 in Bedford County, Pennsylvania. John Watson and his family came to this country in 1730 from Donegal, Ireland. Nathaneal Nesbitt, born 1725, purchased land in Maryland in 1754. John Jacob Kruck (later spelled Krick) was born in "Germany circa 1725 and came to America with his father. According to legend, the Rockwells are descended from Rolf the Viking (9th century). Trail data was gleaned from many sources, and covers the Blebo, the Westness or Orkney, and the Ballylough Trails. Individual sections are devoted to each of the nine families, and each section provides biographical sketches complete with a wealth of genealogical detail. A full-name index can be found at the end of each section. Numerous photographs, illustrations, coats of arms, and maps enhance the text.