History 1. Ex nihilo : Constructing Nihilism Generating Nihilism Humanist Nihilism Anti-Authoritarian Nihilism Anti-Humanist Nihilism Authoritarian Nihilism 2. Stylising the Sublime Sublime Texts and their Contexts The Burkean Formulation of the Sublime The Kantian Formulation of the Sublime The Romantic Sublime Theory 3. Nihilism and the Sublime Postmodern A Postmodern Enlightenment? The Sublime Postmodern I: Lyotard and the Unpresentable Nihilism and the Lyotardian Sublime The Sublime Postmodern II: Baudrillard and the Hyperreal Nihilism and the Baudrillardian Sublime 4. Postmodern Nihilism Nihilism and Poststructuralism Nihilism and Postmodernism A 'Postmodern' Nihilism Praxis 5. Postmodern Nihilism and Postmodern Aesthetics Postmodern Absurdity Everything is Constructed: From Time to Space Nothing is Constructed: From Space to Non-Space 6. Postmodern Nihilism and Postmodern Ethics Blank Fiction: The 'Ethical Nihilism' of Postmodernity (En)Gendering Absence Being 'Absent-Minded': 'Towards an 'Ethical' Nihilism