1. Molecular Mechanisms of Biocontrol in Trichoderma spp. and Their Applications in Agriculture 2. Genome-wide approaches towards understanding mycoparasitic Trichoderma species 3. Insights into Signalling Pathways of Antagonistic Trichoderma Species 4. Enhanced Plant Immunity using Trichoderma 5. Live-cell imaging of mycoparasitic Trichoderma species 6. Molecular communication between plants and Trichoderma 7. Systemically induced resistance against maize diseases by Trichoderma 8. Trichoderma Genes for improving plant resistance to pathogens 9. Biological control of wood decay basidiomycetes 10. Trichoderma sexual reproduction 11. Diversity and Strain Improvement Section 12. Molecular tools for strain engineering in Trichoderma 13. Trichoderma-functional metabolomics to genetic engineering 14. Next generation modern tools to access biodiversity of Trichoderma 15. Diversity of Trichoderma in China 16. Biomolecules Production and Industrial Applications Section 17. Biomass degradation of Trichoderma: A view from genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic perspective 18. Trichoderma enzyme systems in relation to biofuel/biorefinery applications 19. Cell Wall Remodeling in Trichoderma