Tapio TiihonenTapio Tiihonen is a writer and a businessman whose History, Literature & Fiction books have been published in Finland. His style goes from popular and official history to adventure novels. His starting point was his Doctoral Thesis, a military study, and series The Chaos and Fall of the Roman Empire. There he expanded his vision to biographies and adventures. And as the CEO of his company Book Towns Group, he connects the villa culture to the book culture.And Victoria June is a famous actress, a New Yorker, who gave the Author an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of this love story. She and the Author are the story´s basic elements, a phenomenon within its real-life context. NYC life, at the crossroads of the economic, cultural, and social world: multinational Brooklyn and Europe. You know, old-fashioned way, those lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch of the Author with a tender kiss. And there it was, the most exciting real-life case study for a lifetime. New York Smexy - flavored with the Brooklyn slang.