ISBN-13: 9781426948008 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 268 str.
An important part of early North American history began with the word of an Icelandic sailor who claimed that after being blown off course, he had sighted a new land through thick fog. Greenland cheiftain, Eric the Red and his son, Leif, find the rumor intriguing enough to check out.. But on the way to the ship, Eric has an accident, and it is now up to Leif to head the risky expedition, one which will result in the beautiful eastern shores of Canada and America revealed to the rest of the world for the first time. This preliminary exploration must come to an end when Leif is needed in Greenland again, and so the torch is passed to Icelanders Thorfinn Karlsefni and his beautiful wife, Gudrid. But is this new land, Vinland, there for the taking? The indigenous people think otherwise, rendering the effort of these brave Scandinavians futile. The third and final attempt falls to Leif's half-sister, Freydis, with spine chilling consequences. Previous characters from "Square Sails and Dragons" as well as the new ones provide romance and drama as the reader is taken through a rich, informative journey on the continent's history.