This book is the third in the series of books devoted to gear design and production. It comprises papers by scientists and gear experts from all the world and it covers recent developments in practically all spheres of mechanical engineering related to different kinds of gears and transmissions. This volume includes chapters describing the advanced approaches to research, design, testing and production of different kind of gears for a vast number of applications. Special attention is paid to advanced computer-aided approaches of gear analysis, simulation and design, and to application of new materials and tribological issues.
Veniamin Goldfarb holds a D.Sc. in Engineering and is a Full Professor and Honored Scientist of Russia and Udmurt Republic. He is also the Director of the Scientific Department at the Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University’s Institute of Mechanics, and was the Vice-President of the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM) in 2011–2015.
Evgenii Trubachev holds a D.Sc. in Engineering and is a Full Professor and Honored Scientist of Udmurt Republic. He is also the Vice-Director of the Scientific Department’s Institute of Mechanics and a Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University.
Natalya Barmina holds a Ph.D. in Engineering, and is a Senior Researcher at the Scientific Department’s Institute of Mechanics and an Associate Professor at the English Department of Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. She is also a member of the PC CPA of the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM).
This is the third book in a series devoted to gear design and production. Comprising papers by scientists and gear experts from around the globe, it covers recent developments in practically all spheres of mechanical engineering related to gears and transmissions. It describes advanced approaches to research, design, testing and production of various kinds of gears for a vast range of applications, with a particular focuses on advanced computer-aided approaches for gear analysis, simulation and design, the application of new materials and tribological issues.