The principles of neutron spin echo.- The polarised neutron technique of neutron spin echo.- Theory of neutron spin-echo spectrometry.- The IN11 neutron spin echo spectrometer.- Dynamics of dilute polymer solutions.- Dynamics of micelle solutions.- Tentative use of NSE in biological studies.- A proposal for determining h/mn with high accuracy.- Neutron spin echo study of spin glass dynamics.- Neutron spin echo investigation of elementary excitations in superfluid 4He.- Comparison of the performance of the backscattering spectrometer IN10 and the neutron spin-echo spectrometer IN11 on the basis of experimental results.- Neutron phase-echo concept and a proposal for a dynamical neutron polarisation method.- Separation of thermal diffuse scattering by NSE in diffraction studies.- Neutron spin echo and three-axis spectrometers.- Conclusion : Critical points and future progress.