Prologue, Andrew Schwartz, M.D., Issue Editor - Classical Psychoanalysis and Classical Conditioning: Guilt (and Other Affects) by Association, David E. M. Cooper, Ph.D. - The Instincts Revisited, June L. Hadley, M.D. - Consciousness: A Brain-Centered, Informational Approach, David D. Olds, M.D. - Not Art But Science: Applications of Neurobiology, Experimental Psychology, and Ethology to Psychoanalytic Technique. I: Neuroscientifically Guided Approaches to Interpretive "What's" and "When's, " Andrew Schwartz, M.D. - Experimental Studies of Higher Cortical Functions That Proceed Without Conscious Awareness, Bruce E. Wexler, M.D. Epilogue, Andrew Schwartz, M.D.