Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
Series Foreword vii Preface ix 1 Historical Introduction 1 2 Mapping Language in Brain Time 23 3 Mapping Language in Brain Space 43 4 Models of Language in the Brain 61 5 Growth of Language Networks 77 6 Bilingualism and the Brain 91 7 Literacy and the Brain 103 8 Neurology of Language 119 9 Neurogenetics of Language 135 10 Neuroethology of Language 147 11 The Future of Neurolinguistics 159 Glossary 167 Acknowledgments 175 Notes 177 Further Readings 199 Index 201
Giosuè Baggio is Professor of Psycholinguistics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, and the author of Meaning in the Brain (MIT Press).