Applications.- Road Surface Segmentation and Detection Under Extreme Weather Conditions Based on Mask-RCNN.- I-RAFT: Optical Flow Estimation Model Based on Multi-scale Initialization Strategy.- Educational Pattern Guided Self-Knowledge Distillation for Siamese Visual Tracking.- LSiF: Log-Gabor Empowered Siamese Federated Learning for Efficient Obscene Image Classification in the Era of Industry 5.0.- Depth Normalized Stable View Synthesis.- Exploring the Integration of Large Language Models into Automatic Speech Recognition Systems: An Empirical Study.- Image Inpainting with Semantic U-Transformer.- Multi-scale Context Aggregation for Video-based Person Re-identification.- Enhancing LSTM and fusing articles of law for legal text summarization.- Text Spotting of Electrical Diagram Based on Improved PP-OCRv3.- Topic-aware Two-layer Context-enhanced Model for Chinese Discourse Parsing.- A Malicious Code Family Classification Method Based on RGB Images and Lightweight Model.- Research on Relation Extraction Based on BERT with Multifaceted Semantics.- NMPose: Leveraging Normal Maps for 6D Pose Estimation.- BFTracker: A One-Shot Baseline Model with Fusion Similarity Algorithm Towards Real-Time Multi-Object Tracking.- Violence-MFAS: Audio-Visual Violence Detection Using Multimodal Fusion Architecture Search.- DeepLink: Triplet Embedding and Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Learning of Link Representations for Travel Time Estimation.- Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images based on Image Reprocessing and Polymorphic Compression.- All You See Is the Tip of the Iceberg: Distilling Latent Interactions Can Help You Find Treasures.- TRFN: Triple-Receptive-Field Network for Regional-Texture and Holistic-Structure Image Inpainting.- PMFNet: A Progressive Multichannel Fusion Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis.- Category-wise Meal Recommendation.- A Data-free Substitute Model Training Method for Textual Adversarial Attacks.- Detect Overlapping Community via Graph Neural Network and Topological Potential.- DeFusion: Aerial Image Matching Based on Fusion of Handcrafted and Deep Features.- Unsupervised Fabric Defect Detection Framework based on Knowledge Distillation.- Data Protection and Privacy: Risks and Solutions in The Contentious Era of AI-driven Ad Tech.- Topic Modeling for Short Texts via Adaptive Pólya Urn Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture.- Informative Prompt Learning for Low-shot Commonsense Question Answering via Fine-Grained Redundancy Reduction.- Rethinking unsupervised domain adaptation for nighttime tracking.- A Bi-Directional Optimization Network for De-Obscured 3D High-Fidelity Surface Reconstruction.- Jointly extractive and abstractive training paradigm for text summarization.- A Three-Stage Framework For Event-Event Relation Extraction with Large Language Model.- MEFaceNets: Muti-scale Efficient CNNs for Real-time Face Recognition on Embedded Devices.- Optimal Low-rank QR Decomposition with an Application on RP-TSOD.- EDDVPL: A Web Attribute Extraction Method with Prompt Learning.- CACL:Commonsense-Aware Contrastive Learning for Knowledge Graph Completion.- Graph Attention Hashing via Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Cross-modal Retrieval.- A Two-Stage Active Learning Algorithm for NLP Based on Feature Mixing.- Botnet Detection Method based on NSA and DRN.- ASRCD: Adaptive Serial Relation-based Model for Cognitive Diagnosis.- PyraBiNet: A Hybrid Semantic Segmentation Network Combining PVT and BiSeNet for deformable objects in indoor environments.- Classification of Hard and Soft Wheat Species using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning Models.- Mitigation of Voltage Violation for Battery Charging Based on Data-Driven Optimization.