Human Centred Computing.- Paper Recommendation with Multi-View Knowledge-aware Attentive Network.- Biological Tissue Sections Instance Segmentation based on Active Learning.- Research on automatic segmentation algorithm of brain tumor image based on multi-sequence self-supervised fusion in complex scenes.- An Effective Morphological Analysis Framework of Intracranial Artery in 3D Digital Subtraction Angiography.- Effective Domain Adaptation for Robust Dysarthric Speech Recognition.- TCNet: Texture and Contour-Aware Model for Bone Marrow Smear Region of Interest Selection.- Diff-Writer: A Diffusion Model Based Stylized Online Handwritten Chinese Character Generator.- EEG epileptic seizure classification using hybrid time-frequency attention deep network.- A Feature Pyramid Fusion Network Based on Dynamic Perception Transformer for Retinal OCT Biomarker Image Segmentation.- LDW-RS Loss: Label Density-Weighted Loss with Ranking Similarity Regularization for Imbalanced Deep Fetal Brain Age Regression.- Segment Anything Model for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via selecting reliable pseudo-labels.- Aided diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder based on a mixed neural network model.- A Supervised Spatio-Temporal Contrastive Learning Framework with Optimal Skeleton Subgraph Topology for Human Action Recognition.- Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Neural Network for Accurate Prediction of Drug-Target Interactions.- GoatPose: A Lightweight and Efficient Network with Attention Mechanism.- Sign Language Recognition for Low Resource Languages using Few Shot Learning.- T Cell Receptor Protein Sequences and Sparse Coding: A Novel Approach to Cancer Classification.- Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization Through Segment Contrastive Learning.- S-CGRU: An Efficient Model for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction.- Prior-Enhanced Network for Image-based PM2.5 Estimation from Imbalanced Data Distribution.- Dynamic Data Augmentation via Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Prostate MRI Segmentation.- Language Guided Graph Transformer for Skeleton Action Recognition.- A Federated Multi-Stage Light-Weight Vision Transformer for Respiratory Disease Detection.- Curiosity Enhanced Bayesian Personalized Ranking for Recommender Systems.- Modeling online adaptive navigation in virtual environments based on PID control.- LIP READING USING TEMPORAL ADAPTIVE MODULE.- AudioFormer: Channel Audio Encoder Based on Multi-Granularity Features.- A Context Aware Lung Cancer Survival Prediction Network by Using Whole Slide Images.- A Novel Approach for Improved Pedestrian Walking Speed Prediction: Exploiting Proximity Correlation.- MView-DTI: A multi-view feature fusion-based approach for drug-target protein interaction prediction.- User Multi-Preferences Fusion for Conversational Recommender Systems.- Debiasing Medication Recommendation with Counterfactual Analysis.- Detecting Depression and Alcoholism Disorders by EEG Signal.- Unleash the Capabilities of the Vision-Language Pre-training Model in Gaze Object Prediction.- A Two-Stage Network for Segmentation of Vertebrae and Intervertebral Discs: Integration of Efficient Local-Global Fusion Using 3D Transformer and 2D CNN.- Integrating Multi-View Feature Extraction and Fuzzy Rank-Based Ensemble for Accurate HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Site Prediction.- KSHFS: Research on Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction Based on Knowledge Subgraph and High-order Feature-aware Structure.- Self-Supervised-Enhanced Dual Hierarchical Graph Convolution Network for Social Recommendation.- Dynamical Graph Echo State Networks with Snapshot Merging for Spreading Process Classification.- Trajectory Prediction with Contrastive Pre-training and Social Rank Fine-tuning.- Three-Dimensional Medical Image Fusion with Deformable Cross-Attention.- Handling Class Imbalance in Forecasting Parkinson’s Disease Wearing-off with Fitness Tracker Dataset.- Real-Time Instance Segmentation and Tip Detection for Neuroendoscopic Surgical Instruments.- Spatial Gene Expression Prediction using Hierarchical Sparse Attention.