Chapter 1. An Introduction to One Health and Neglected Diseases in Monkeys.- Chapter 2. Ethnoprimatology: Assessing How the Interface Between Humans and Monkeys Influences Infectious Agent Transmission.- Chapter 3. Monkey Health is a Team Sport.- Chapter 4. Mycobacterial Infections in Monkeys.- Chapter 5. Pathogenic Spirochetes in Monkeys: Stealthy Pathogens of Global Importance.- Chapter 6. Chlamydia Infections in Nonhuman Primates.- Chapter 7. Antimicrobial Stewardship in Captive Monkeys .- Chapter 8. Low Incidence, High Lethality or Higher Incidence, Lower Lethality: What We Know and Don’t Know About Zoonotic Macacine alphaherpesvirus 1 (Monkey B Virus).- Chapter 9. Morbillivirus Infections in Non-Human Primates: From Humans to Monkeys and Back Again.- Chapter 10. Simian Foamy Viruses: Infections in Human and Nonhuman Primate Hosts.- Chapter 11. Rabies in nonhuman primates and potential risks for humans.- Chapter 12. Reston Ebolavirus in Macaques.- Chapter 13. Global Diversity and Distribution of Soil-Transmitted Helminths in Monkeys.- Chapter 14. Larval tapeworm infections in primates: coenurosis, cysticercosis, and echinococcosis.- Chapter 15. Trypanosomiasis and Filariasis.- Chapter 16. Forming, Storming and Norming Your Way into One Health: The Gombe Case Study.
Sascha Knauf obtained his veterinary degree and his PhD from the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, Germany. He is a certified wildlife veterinarian (Veterinary State Council of Lower-Saxony) and researcher. His career path has followed a One Health trajectory and ranges from zoo medicine to wildlife heath, with a focus on infectious diseases in wild nonhuman primates and other wildlife. He heads a work group on ‘Neglected Tropical Diseases’ at the Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH, Leibniz Institute for Primate Research in Göttingen, Germany and a Division on Microbiology and Animal Hygiene at the Department for Animal Sciences at the Georg-August-University, Göttingen. Dr. Knauf teaches courses on Wildlife Health, One Health and Animal Hygiene, and is a member of the Wildlife Disease Association.
Lisa Jones-Engel is a Fulbright scholar who has studied the human-primate interface for decades. Her scientific career has spanned the field, the research laboratory, and the undergraduate classroom. Dr. Jones-Engel received her MA in Physical Anthropology from New York University and her PhD in Biological Anthropology from the University of New Mexico. At the University of Washington’s National Primate Research Center she headed an international, multidisciplinary research program investigating how and why infectious agents are transmitted at the porous human-monkey interface in the wild and in laboratories. She served as a faculty member at the UW’s Department of Anthropology. Her current position is as senior science adviser for animal advocacy groups.
This book offers a valuable resource, reviewing the current state of knowledge concerning the pathology and epidemiology of infectious diseases in both captive and wild monkeys. The One Health concept forms the framework of all chapters. The multidisciplinary team of authors addresses neglected diseases caused by the three major pathogen groups - bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Moreover, the volume discusses key virulence factors such as the evolution of antibiotic resistance, and the ecological drivers of and human influence on pathogen transmission.
Demonstrating how researchers working on monkeys diseases are increasingly thinking outside the box, this volume is an essential reference guide to the field of One Health and will serve as an asset for stakeholders in conservation, healthcare and research organizations that face the challenge of moving beyond classical human oriented approaches to health.