Contents: Series preface; Introduction; Napoleon and the British Navy after Trafalgar, Julian S. Corbett; Parry of a threat to India, 1768-74, Nicholas Tracy; England versus Spain in America, 1739-48: the Spanish side of the hill, J.C.M. Oglesby; The defence of British trade with the Baltic, 1808-13, A.N. Ryan; Preparing for the Russian war: British strategic planning, March 1853-54, Andrew Lambert: The establishment of the Western Squadron as the lynchpin of British naval strategy, Michael Duffy; Problems of an amphibious power: Britain against France, 1793-1815, Piers Mackesy; Sailors and gentlemen of parade: some professional and technical problems concerning the conduct of combined operations in the 18th century, Richard Harding; Wars, blockade and economic change in Europe, 1792-1815, François Crouzet; The North Sea in wartime, 1688-1713, John Bromley; A means to an end: gunboats and Thomas Jefferson's theory of defense, Gene A. Smith; The French Navy, 1748-63: problems and perspectives, James Pritchard; Bridge and bulwark: the Swedish Navy and the Baltic, 1500-1809, Jan Glete; Selim III and the Ottoman Navy, Stanford J. Shaw; The methodology of British amphibious operations during the Seven Years and American Wars, David Syrett; Image and reality in 18th century naval tactics, N.A.M. Rodger; Responding to the 19th century: the Royal Navy and the introduction of the screw propeller, Andrew D.Lambert; Admiralty relations with the Treasury, 1783-1806: the preparation of naval estimates and the beginnings of Treasury control, P.K. Crimmin; The Earl of Egmont and the Navy, 1763-6, Clive Wilkinson; Financing the French Navy in the Seven Years War: Beaujon, Goosens et compagnie in 1759, J.F. Bosher; Efficiency in dockyard administration 1660-1800: a reassessment, Ann Coats; From shipwright to naval constructor: the professionalization of the 18th century French naval shipbuilders, James Pritchard; Graving docks in France and Spain before 180