ISBN-13: 9783030380960 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 605 str.
ISBN-13: 9783030380960 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 605 str.
Chapter 1. General Introduction
Chapter-5. Magnetotellurics
5.1 General Introduction
5.2 Plane wave propagation
5.2.1 Advancing Electromagnetic Waves
5.2.2 Plane wave incidence on the surface of the earth
5.3 Skin depth
5.4 Magnetotellurics for 1D layered Earth:A few points of Principle.
5.4.1 Magnetotelluric Four layered Apparent Resistivity and Phase Curves5.4.2 Magnetotellurics is a low resolution tool
5.4.3 For a certain class of 1D models MT fails to resolve the significant subsurface resistivity contrasts even approximately when the resistivity contrast is more than ten times
5.4.4 Magnetotelluric Signal can see a target which is at depth beyond its skin depth
5.4.5 Granite Window is a must for deep magnetotelluric survey because two kilometer thick conducting sediments on top can reduce the sensitivity of the magnetotelluric signals upto three hundred kilometers from the surface and deep inside the upper mantle
5.4.6 Magnetotellurics is a suitable geophysical tool for detecting sediments sandwiched between the flood basalt and crystalline basement5.5 Magnetotelluric Field Work and Field Data
5.5.1 Field Data Acquition
5.5.2 Signal Strength Versus Frequency or Period
5.5.3 Number of Degrees of Freedom versus period
5.5.4 Coherencies
5.5.5 Different Components of the Impedance Tensor Versus Period
5.5.6 Processed Fourier Spectra
5.5.7 Processed Apparent Resistivity and phase Field Data with error bar
5.6 Concept of Optimum Mathematical Rotation in Magnetotellurics
5.6.1 Optimum Rotation Angle and Related Impedance Tensor5.7 Concept of E and H Polarisation(TE and TM Mode)
5.8 MT Impedances
5.9 Estimation of the MT Tensor Components
5.9.1 Estimation of the MT Tensors Using Coherencies
5.9.2 Estimation of MT Impedance Using Single Station Data
5.9.3 Remote Reference Magnetotellurics
5.10 Magnetotelluic Tensor Decomposition
5.10.1 Egger’s Eigen State Decomposition
5.10.2 Bahr’s Tensor Decomposition
5.10.3 Groom Bailey Decomposition5.10.4 Groom Bailey’s Twist and Shear
5.10.5 Jones Decomposition
5.11 Tipper Parameters
5.12 Rotation Invariant Parameters in magnetotellurics
5.12.1 Field Apparent Resistivity Curves using Rotation Invariant Parameters
5.13 Magnetotelluric Phases
5.13.1 Magnetotelluric Phase Tensor5.14 Anisotropy
5.14.1 Anisotropy in Direct Current Domain
5.14.2 Anisotropy in Magnetotelluric Domain
5.14.3 Phase Splitting in Magnetotellurics
5.14.4 Magnetotelluric Phase above 900
5.15 Noise
5.15.1 General Defination
5.15.2 Geophysical Noise
5.15.3 Induced Polarisation
5.15.4 Electromagnetics
5.15.5 Atmospheric/Oceanic and Meteorological Noise.5.15.6 Seismic Noise
5.15.7 Geological Noise
5.15.8 Coherent Noise
5.15.9 Incoherent Noise
5.15.10 Correlated and Uncorrelated Noise
5.15.11 White and Nonwhite Noise5.15.12 Man Made Noise
5.15.13 Natural Noise
5.15.14 Sensor Noise
5.16 Galvanic and Inductive Distortion
5.17 Magnetotelluric Current Channeling
5.18 Magnetotelluric Strike5.19 Dimensionality Indicator
5.19.1 One Dimensional Structure
5.19.2 Two Dimensional Structure
5.19.3 Three Dimensional Structure
5.19.4 Dimensionality Indicator From Phase5.19.5 Dimensionality Indicator From Eigen State Formulation
5.19.6 Swift Skew as a Dimensionality Indicator
5.19.7 Complex Domain Plot of the impedance Tensor as a
Dimensionality Indicator
5.19.8 Impedance Ellipse as a Dimensionality Indicator5.20 Complex Domain Plot of the Impedance Tensor
and Rotation Invariant Tensor
5.21 Static Shift
5.21.1 Curve Shifting
5.21.2 Statistical Averaging5.21.4 Use of Auxilliary Tools
5.21.5 Use of Constraing Parameters
5.21.6 Use of Well Log Data
5.21.7 Higher Current Dipole Length
5.21.8 Static Shift Free Magnetotelluric Parameters
5.22 Magnetotelluric Designs
5.23 Location of the MT study area in eastern part of Indian
Subcontinents where a few magnetotelluric observations
are taken for qualitative to semiquantitat Interpretation
5.24 Qualitative Signatures a very important sector of MagnetotelluricsData interpretation
5.24.1 Qualitative signature of a Rift Valley or Major Continental
5.24.2 Phase determinant Pseudosection can depict the subsurfacewith greater clarity
5.24.3 Qualitative Magnetotelluric Signatures of faults
5.24.4 Qualitative Magnetotelluric signature of Sukinda Thrust
5.24.5 Pseudo 3D pseudosections of rotation invariant phases across the
Sukinda thrust.5.24.6 Some of the Rotation Invariant Parameters
are heavy weight parameters
5.24.7 Different MT parameter PseudoSections from the
field data across Sukinda Thrust5.24.8 Qualitative signature in Bahr’s Telluric Vectors across Sukinda Thrust
5.24.9 Induction Arrows show the Major Fracture zone
in the Archaean Proterozoic collision Zone
5.24.10 Rotation Invariant Parameters are less affected by
Static Shift5.24.11 Profiles and Pseudosections from Mathematical Models
5.25 Semiquantitative to Quantitative Signatures of the MT data
5.25.1 One Dimensional Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data
5.25.2 Two Dimensional Inversion and 2D Model5.25.3 2D and Pseudo3D model of the Mahanadi Graben
5.26 Application of MT in Earth Sciences
5.26.1 Major breakes in Crust and Upper Mantle
5.26.2 MT for measuring Asthenosphere temperature as well as for mapping
High heat flow areas5.26.3 MT for Oil Exploration
5.26.4 MT for mapping convergent and divergent plate margins
5.26.5 MT for earthquake Prediction
5.26.6 MT can measure Permafrost Thickness
5.26.7 MT for ground water exploration5.27 Appraisal
5.29 References
Auxilliary Tools in Magnetotellurics
6.1 Introduction6.2 Audiofrequency Magnetotellurics(AMT)
6.2.1 Source Characteristics
6.2.2 Nature of the AMT signal
6.2.3 Field Procedure6.2.4 Qualitative Interpretation Pseudosection Plots Pseudosections of Theoretical Models Field examples of pseudosections Average Resistivity Plot6.2.4.5 Quantitative Interpretation
6.2.5 Appplication
6.3 Controlled Source Audifrequency Magnetotellurics(CSAMT)
6.3.1 Introduction
6,3,2 Skin depth and Effective Penetration Depth6.3.3 Pseudosections of CSAMT Data
6.3.4 CSAMT sources Electromagnetic Field Due to a Vertical Oscillating Electric Dipole
6.3,4.2 Oscillating Vertical Magnetic Dipole On the Surface of The Earth6.3.4.3 Electromagnetic Field Due to a Long Cable On the Surface of an homogenous Earth. Scalor CSAMTSource CSAMT Pseudosection
6.3.4 Field Survey6.3.5 Interpretation
6.4 Long Offset Electromagnetic Transients (LOTEM)
6.4.1 Introduction
6.4.2 LOTEM Data Acquisition6.4.3 LOTEM Theory
6.4.4 Data Processing
6.4.4 Interpretation of LOTEM Data
6.4.5 Application
6.5 Radiomagnetotellurics(RMT)
6.6 References
Geomagnetic Depth Sounding(GDS)
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Separation of External and Internal Field
7.3 Data Analysis7.4 Separation of normal and anomalous Field
7.5 Spherical Harmonics
7.5.1 Solution of Laplace Equation in Spherical Polar Coordinates
7.5.1 When Potential is a function of all the three coordinates7.5,2 Associated Legendre’s Polynomial
7.6 Magnetometer Array Studies
7.6.1 Recording of Geomagnetic Data
7.6.2 Examples of Magnetometer Arrays
7.6.3 Examples from India7.6.4 Magnetogram
7.6.5 Processing of Geomagnetic data Fourier Transform Maps Amplitude Spectra
7.6.6 Transfer Function analysis7.6.7 Single site Transfer Function
7.6.8 Hypothetical Event analysis
7.7. Induction Arrows
7.8. Parkinsons Arrors7.9. Wiese Arrow
7.10 Schmukher’s Concept of Transfer Function and Induction Arrow
7.11. Z/A Pseudosections
7.12 Difference Induction Arrows
7.13 Complex Demodulation7.13.1 Definition and Significance of Complex Demodulation
7.13.2 Relationship to Power Spectra
7.13.3 Computational Procedures
7.14 Geomagnetic Depth Sounding7.14,1 Approach-A
7.14.2 Approach B
7.14.3 Approach C
7.15 Audiofrequency Magnetic Method(AFMAG)
7.10. Concluding Remarks7.11 References
Marine Electromagnetics
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Marine Magnetotellurics
8.2.1 Sea Floor Magnetotellurics (SFMT) for Solid Earth
8.2,2 Marine Magnetotellurics(MMT) for Oil Exploration8.3 Marine Controlled source Electromagnetics(CSEM) for Oil Exploration
8.4 Magneometric Resistivity Method(MMR)
8.4.1 MMR Theory for Layered Earth
8.5 Moses
8.5 Self Potentisls
8.6 References
Chapter-9Mathematical modeling
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Two and Three Dimensional Problems
9.2.1 Introduction
9.3 Finite Element Method9.3.1 Concept of Virtual Work and Energy Minimisation Method
In Magnetotelluric Domain(Coggon’s Model)
9.3.2 Formulation Steps
9.3.3 Minimisation of the Integral9.4 Energy Minimisation Method in Direct Current Domain
9.4.1 Derivation of Functional from Power Consideration
9.4.2 Equivalence beteween Poisson’s equation and minimisation of Power
9.4.3 Finite Element Formulation9.4.4 Minimisation of power
9.5 Galerkin.s Method in Finite Element
Magnetotelluric Domain
9.5.1 Introduction9.5.2 Finite Element Formulation for Helmholtz Wave Equations
9.5.3. Element Equation
9.5.4 TM Mode Magnetotellurics
9.5.5 TE Mode Magnetotellurics9.5.6. Global Matrix Formulation
9.6 Isoparametric Elements in Finite Elements
9.6.1 Introduction
9.6.2 Triangular Elements(Three Noded)
9.6.3 Quadrilateral Elements(Four Noded)9.6.4 Eight Noded Elements
9.6.5 Shape Function using Natural Coordinate
9.7 Finite Difference Method Three Dimensional Problem Magnetotellurics Mackie,Madden and Wannamaker’s Model
9.7.1 Introduction
9.7.2 Finite Difference Formulation
9.7.3 Boundary Conditions
9.7.4 Two Dimensional Case
9.7.5 Transverse Magnetic (TM) Mode9.7.6 Transverse Electric (TE) Mode
9.7.7 The Equations in Matrix Form
9.7.8 Preconditioning of matrix
9.7.9 Solution of the matrix
9.8 Integral Equation Method9.8.1 Introduction
9.8.2 Formulation of an electromagnetic boundary value problem
9.8.3 Three Dimensional Electromagnetic Boundary Value Problem (Ting and Hohmann’s Model)
9.9 Thin sheet Modelling9.9.1 Introduction
9.9.2 Ranganayaki and Madden’s Model(1980)
9.9.3 Remarks
9.10 Hybrids
9.10.1 Introduction
9;10.2 Different Combinations
9.10.3 Hybrid Formulation (Lee,Pridmore and Morrisons Model)
9.11 ReferencesChapter 10. Inversion of Geophysical Data
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Convergence of an Inverse Problem
10.3 Nonuniqueness and Compact Zone
10.4 Well Posed and Ill posed problems10.5 Overdetertermined and Underdetermined Problems
10.6 Linear Dependence and Independence of vectors
10.7 Inner Product space
10.8 Hilnert Space10.9 Tikhnov’s Regularisation Philosophy
10.9.1 Theoretical Concept in Abstract Spaces
10.9.2 Definition of the regularizing operator
10.10 Basis Function10.11 Subspace
10.12 Krylov Subspace
10. 13 Method of Steepest Decent
10. 14 Conjugate Gradient Method10.14.1 Introduction
10.14.2 Important Steps in Conjugate Gradient Method
10.14.3 Conjugate Gradient Method as a direct approach
10.14.4 Conjugate Gradient Method as an iterative approach
10.14.5 Computation of alpha and beta.10.15 Lagrange Multiplier
10.16 Stochastic Inversion
10.16.1 Introduction
10.16.2 Conjunction of the state of information
10.16.3 Maximum Likelyhood Point10.16.4 Field Example of one Stochastic Inversion Approach
10.17 Frechet Derivative
10.17.1 Parker’s Definition
10.17.2 Zhdanov’s Definition10.18 Bachus Gilbert Inversion
10.18.1 Introduction
10.18.2 Bachus- Gilbrert Formulation
10.18.3 Bachus Gilbert Frechet Kernel.
10.18.4 Field Example10.19 Occam Inversion
10.19.1 Occam Inversion Formulation
10.20 Two Dimensional Occam Inversion
10.20.1 Introduction
10.20.2 2D Occam Inversion Formulation10. 21 Joint Inversion
10.21.1 Introduction
10.21.2 Joint Inversion of Seismic Refraction and Magnetotelluric data
10.21.3 Joint Inversion of Resistivity and Induced Polarisation Sounding Data
10.26 ReferencesSubject Index
This research monograph discusses all the branches of geophysics based on natural electromagnetic fields and their associated subjects. Meant for postgraduate and research level courses, it includes research guidance and collection of magnetotelluric data in some parts of Eastern India and their qualitative and quantitative interpretation. Specific topics highlighted include (i) Electrotellurics, (ii) Magnetotellurics, (iii) Geomagnetic Depth Sounding and Magnetometer Array Studies, (iv) Audio Frequency Magnetotellurics and Magnetic Methods, (v) Marine Magnetotelluric and Marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic Methods, (vi) Electrical Conductivity of Rocks and Minerals and (vii) Mathematical Modelling and Some Topics on Inversion needed for Interpretation of Geoelectrical Data.
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