Introduction to the Transaction Edition, by John P. Rossi
A Personal Apology
1 What Nationalism Is 1. Bases of Nationality: Language and Traditions 2. Fluidity and Complexity of Nationality 3. Patriotism
2 The Religious Sense 1. Varieties of Religious Experience 2. Applications of the Religious Sense, Especially to Communism and Nationalism 3. Religio-Nationalist Communism
3 Primitive Nationalism and Its Long Submergence 1. Tribalism 2. Submergence of Tribalism: Military and Religious Factors 3. Linguistic and Economic Factors 4. Continuing National Consciousness
4 Roots of Modern Nationalism in Christendom, Particularly in England 1. Vernacular Languages and Literatures 2. National States and National Economy 3. Religious Revolt and Reform 4. England the Seat of Modern Nationalism
5 Making Nationalism a Religion in Revolutionary France 1. Deist and Classical Setting 2. Pietist and Proto-Romantic Setting 3. From American Revolution to French National Assembly 4. Religious Emblems and Crusading Zeal
6 Advance of Nationalism in Europe from Napoleon I to Napoleon III, 1800 1870 1. Under the First Napoleon 2. From Vienna Peace Settlement to the 1830's 3. Propaganda of Cultural Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe 4. Nationalism in Revolutions of 1848 1849 5. The Third Napoleon as Nationalist, 1848 1870
7 Forceful Nationalism and Industrialized Society, 1864 1914 1. New and Competitive Militarism 2. Effects of Industrial Revolution 3. Mass Migration, Democracy, and Literacy 4. Materialism and Nationalism
8 Nationalist Imperialism and Intolerance,1874 1914 1. Outburst of National Imperialism 2. Nationalism, Seed and Product of the New Imperialism 3. Intolerance Toward Religious Minorities 4. Intolerance Toward "Racial" Minorities, Especially Jews 5. Intolerance Toward Ethnic Minorities 6. Nationalist Reaction of Subject Peoples
9 Nationalism,Cause and Result of World War I 1. National Versus Imperial States in Eastern Europe 2. Nationalism in the War (1914 1918) 3. The Peace of Paris and Triumph of Nationalism Throughout Europe 4. Stimulus to Nationalism Outside Europe
10 Totalitarian Nationalism and World War II 1. Advent of "Integral" or "Totalitarian" Nationalism 2. Features of the New Totalitarian Dictatorship 3. Aggressions of Nationalist Dictators 4. World War II
11 Contemporary World-Wide Nationalism 1. Nationalist Imperialism of Communist Russia 2. Native Nationalism Versus Western Imperialism 3. Ambiguous Character of Nationalism in Asia and Africa 4. Nationalism and Tribalism in Africa
12 Reflections on the Religion of Nationalism 1. The Cult 2. Mythology, Intolerance, and Sacrifice 3. Moderating Influences 4. Interaction of Nationalism and Historic World Religions, Especially Christianity