American political parties are studied as organizations and as conveyors of information, but not until Boris Heersink's masterpiece have these two perspectives finally, and properly, met. In his diligent, methodologically rich, and empirically sophisticated study of national party committees, Heersink recasts the organizational development of the twentieth-century Democrats and Republicans.
Boris Heersink is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at Fordham University. His research focuses on American political parties as organizations at the national and state level and on campaigns and elections. He is the co-author of Republican Party Politics and the American South, 1865-1968 (with Jeffery A. Jenkins), which was a co-winner of APSA's 2021 J. David Greenstone Prize for best book in politics and history and a winner of the SPSA's V.O. Key Award for best book in Southern politics. His articles have appeared in many journals, including The Journal of Politics, Political Analysis, Party Politics, Studies in American Political Development, and Political Behavior.