David Langtry worked in the A-status Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) from 2006-2017, serving as Deputy Chief Commissioner and Acting Chief Commissioner. David was the representative for the Americas Region on the SCA from 2006-2017, serving as Chair 2006-2007 and 2014-2017. The CHRC served as Chair of GANHRI from 2007-2010.
Kirsten Roberts Lyer is Associate Professor of Practice at Central European University, Vienna. She previously worked as a director in the A-status Irish Human Rights Commission (NHRI) from 2008-2013, during which time she was also the co-ordinator of the European Group of NHRIs and helped to establish the permanent secretariat of the European NHRI network (now ENNHRI). In addition to research and publications on the functioning of independent state-established bodies, she continues to consult
for international organisations on the development and strengthening of NHRIs around the world including UNDP, OSCE-ODIHR and the EU Fundamental Rights Agency.