Foreword, Jill Jameson (Greenwich University, UK)
Introduction: Learning and Teaching Leadership Journeys in Institutional and Disciplinary Contexts, Anesa Hosein (University of Surrey, UK) and Namrata Rao (Liverpool Hope University, UK)Part I: Becoming Institutional Leaders
1. Social Capital and Social Networks as Leadership Transition From a Disciplinary to Institutional Context, Courtney DeMayo Pungo (Heidelberg University, USA)
2. A Journey from Scholarship to Leadership: The Education of an Educator, Patrick B. O’Sullivan (California Polytechnic State University, USA)
3. The Changing Perspectives of an Academic Leader: Looking From Outside to the Inside and From Inside to the Outside, Celia Popovic (York University, Canada)
4. Examining a Leadership Journey through a Lens of ‘Integrated Scholarship’, Mike McLinden (University of Birmingham, UK)Part II: Becoming Leaders in the Discipline
5. Finding the Space for Disciplinary Leadership in Biological Sciences, Amalia Hosein (University of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago)
6. Developing a Learning and Teaching Leadership Profile in a Specialist Arts Institution, Louise H. Jackson (Institute of Contemporary Music Performance, UK)
7. Finding a Path to Leadership in Science by Choosing to be Different: The Road not Taken, Susan Rowland (The University of Queensland, Australia)
8. Building a Bridge from Chemistry to Educational Leadership: Overcoming the Valley Between the Two Cultures, Paulo Rogério Miranda Correia (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
9. Education and Leadership in Physics: Making Every Step of my Journey Count, Alison Voice (University of Leeds, UK)
Part III: The Future of Learning and Teaching Leadership
10. Reflections on Disciplinary and Institutional Leadership: Crossing the Abyss, Ian M. Kinchin (University of Surrey, UK)