Part 1: Nanotechnology and Regulations 1. Scope of nanotechnology in agriculture and environment 2. Applications of nanotechnology in the environment 3. Regulation of nanomaterials in agriculture, food and the environment Part 2: Nanotoxicity 4. Factors contributing to nanoparticle toxicity 5. Influence of nanoparticles on plant growth and their entry route into the plants 6. Nanotoxicity evaluation methods and challenges Part 3: Nanotoxicity to agriculture and food 7. Nanotoxicity to soil ecosystem 8. Toxicological concerns of nanomaterials in crop plants 9. The impact of nanotoxicity on the food system 10. In-vivo and in-vitro toxicity of nanomaterials in animal systems 11. Detoxification by plants Part 4: Nanotoxicity to environment 12. Biotoxicity and exposure pathways of engineered silver nanoparticles released in the environment 13. Nanotoxicity of agrochemicals to aquatic environment 14. Nanotoxicity to the terrestrial ecosystems 15. Toxicity of nanomaterials released in the air Part 5: Risk Management Measures to Avoid Exposure 16. Nanomaterial exposure at workplace and societal levels: Workplace standards and occupational risk management 17. Strategies to alleviate nanotoxicity (controlling exposure/ avoiding toxicity) 18. A green nanotechnology approach to nanowaste management: what guarantees can the OECD protocol provide? 19. Fate of Nanofertilizer in Agroecosystem