List of Illustrations ixEditor xiiiGeneral Editors xivContributors xvAcknowledgments xviiEditors'Preface to Museum Practice and the International Handbooks of Museum Studies xixIntroduction: Grounding Museum Studies: Introducing Practice xxviiConal McCarthyPart I Priorities 11. The Essence of the Museum: Mission, Values, Vision 3David Fleming2. Governance: Guiding the Museum in Trust 27Barry Lord, with Case Study by Rina Gerson3. Policies, Frameworks, and Legislation: The Conditions Under Which English Museums Operate 43Sara Selwood and Stuart Davies4. Reconceptualizing Museum Ethics for the Twenty-First Century: A View from the Field 69Janet Marstine, Jocelyn Dodd, and Ceri Jones5. Museum Measurement: Questions of Value 97Carol A. Scott6. Developing Audiences for the Twenty-First-Century Museum 123Graham BlackPart II Resources 1537. Balancing Mission and Money: Critical Issues in Museum Economics 155Ted Silberberg and Gail Lord8. Tate and BP - Oil and Gas as the New Tobacco?: Arts Sponsorship, Branding, and Marketing 179Derrick Chong9. From Idiosyncratic to Integrated: Strategic Planning for Collections 203James B. Gardner10. Collection Care and Management: History, Theory, and Practice 221John E. Simmons11. The Future of Collecting in "Disciplinary" Museums: Interpretive, Thematic, Relational 249Nick Merriman12. Managing Collections or Managing Content?: The Evolution of Museum Collections Management Systems 267Malcolm Chapman13. Conservation Theory and Practice: Materials, Values, and People in Heritage Conservation 293Dean SullyPart III Processes 31514. From Caring to Creating: Curators Change Their Spots 317Ken Arnold15. The Pendulum Swing: Curatorial Theory Past and Present 341Halona Norton-Westbrook16. Planning for Success: Project Management for Museum Exhibitions 357David K. Dean17. Museum Exhibition Tradecraft: Not an Art, but an Art to It 379Dan Spock18. Museum Exhibition Practice: Recent Developments in Europe, Canada, and Australia 403Linda Young, with Anne Whitelaw and Rosmarie Beier-de Haan19. A Critique of Museum Restitution and Repatriation Practices 431Piotr Bienkowski20. Rewards and Frustrations: Repatriation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ancestral Remains by the National Museum of Australia 455Michael PickeringPart IV Publics 47921. The "Active Museum": How Concern with Community Transformed the Museum 481Elizabeth Crooke22. Visitor Studies: Toward a Culture of Reflective Practice and Critical Museology for the Visitor-Centered Museum 503Lee Davidson23. Translating Museum Meanings: A Case for Interpretation 529Kerry Jimson24. Learning, Education, and Public Programs in Museums and Galleries 551John Reeve and Vicky Woollard25. Reviewing the Digital Heritage Landscape: The Intersection of Digital Media and Museum Practice 577Shannon Wellington and Gillian OliverAfterword: The Continuing Struggle for Diversity and Equality 599Eithne NightingaleMuseum Practice and Mediation: An Afterword 613Anthony Alan SheltonIndex 635
CONAL McCARTHY is Professor and Director of the Museum and Heritage Studies program at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Conal has worked in galleries and museums in a variety of professional roles, sits on the boards and advisory groups of a number of institutions, and has published widely on museum practice.