ISBN-13: 9781450577700 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 148 str.
What began as a whisper steadily grew louder until it was a lion's roar. Aaron spun slowly to face the sound. He was standing in the center of the gravel, squinting to see through the grayness. Was there a scream within the rumbling?
He had no chance to react. Before he could turn to run into the cabin or at least duck behind the van, a wall of snow was upon him like a tidal wave. It struck him like exploding concrete at ninety miles an hour, and his stinging eyes were quickly frozen...His brain flashed with pink and blue pixels...He felt like his head would split in two.
For Aaron Tucker, escaping from an abusive home life was never an option. When he is suddenly swept away, he does not consider that his misfortune may be the best thing that ever happened to him.
Will he survive the storm?
And is Aaron prepared to meet...Mumsket?
D. Ed. Hoggatt's novel is mysterious and dramatic, laying bare one boy's touching journey from manhood.
From the Author:
When writing Mumsket, I started with a flawed character - a young boy with nowhere to turn. Aaron represents children who are virtually neglected by their parents, or who who just don't live up to their parents' idea of what they should be or become.
When Aaron gets to know and love Mumsket, he realizes his life does not have to relive the failures of his parents; indeed, Aaron figures out what's missing, and he uses that to get control over his spiraling life.
While I'm not going to reveal anything else about the title character, I will simply say this: people who read the book tend to fall in love with Mumsket.