Introduction, 1. Multivariate Reliability: Implications for Evaluating Profiles, 2. Symmetric and Asymmetric Rotations in Canonical Correlational Analysis: New Methods with Drug Variable Examples, 3. Multidimensional Psychophysics, 4. Construal of Social Environments: Multidimensional Models of Interpersonal Perception and Attraction, 5. The Perception of Crowding: Conceptual Dimensions and Preferences, 6. Configural Self-Diagnosis, 7. The Method of Sorting in Multivariate Research with Applications Selected from Cognitive Psychology and Person Perception, 8. Attraction and Conversational Style, 9. Interpersonal Construal: An Individual Differences Framework, 10. A Structural Equation Model of Impression Formation, 11. The Hierarchial Factor Model and General Intelligence, 12. Multivariate Diagnostic Information Processing by Computer, 13. Process Models of Social Behavior, Author Index, Subject Index
Nancy Hirschberg University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Lloyd G. Humphreys University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.